Saturday, November 22, 2014

Part for a Rainbow

Hoping for a break life
Like a magic moment
Like redemption
Like a parting of storm for a rainbow

I want to dance in the jostle
And be next to God and bounce
That somehow in the confluence this happened
And my reprieve is in the other’s want

That was always there behind these rules
As if neither of us could comprehend the worth of this
And there is a gravity to the equation that I wrote
But some moments just have to be lived

They have to be tasted in person, smelled, and touched
With the full body
Encapsulating a mind and spirit in the swarm of the universe
Redirecting where a life is supposed to be knocking a man over

So that choice becomes obvious
Like a gust of wind blowing back the walls we fortress our ego

To be that much exposed and in every way alive  

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