Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Soul poem 83,482

In case it was not obvious
I am a man with a broken soul
Broken hearts are capable of hope
Souls know the backstory

Seen it before, the blueprints in the backrooms
This pattern is immutable like fingerprints in a trial
Even when the body changes the evidence rearranges
To fit the smudge

Prayer, weeping in meditative child’s pose
Hungering to convince one’s self that God exists
For a fraction of time to feel that a home is somewhere in this now here
Wanting to feel the innocence of ignorance like a young soul

Back-burned fields and love’s torment
Sticking fingers in the grinder one at a time
Because the entire hand would shorten the pain
As if to feel alive for a moment did not bend in the spectrum

That the only emotion that still registers is ache
Wanting what gets close and then like magnetism repulses
Bouncing back as the poles start to align in similarity
The paradox of a soul that knows how this story will bleed into the next

Star after star vibrating hoping for the light of God
To show an anomaly comet to surprise like a shining angelic beacon
That this soul had not seen it all
Just because the hope was placed in its bin of known destruction

It was not to be in this iteration as if a platform for the station
Could abide some here for the other to take the ticket and sit along side
The moon came to meet the sun and smiled at his audacity 
To stay close those nights writing tales

The empty, the empty, oh my the empty 

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