Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sink Sink

I give up; closing shop; pull the chain; lock the gate
Let the roaches and wasps build their nests
Load up the joint with the brood
The blood coagulated into a burnt crust charcoal clot

Burn the pyre and let the picture frames go
Do not want to start over; just want to be done
Hope if this was meaningless then the whole is meaningless
Flowers, birds, sea life, are all dead to me now

I used up too many of my metaphors on a living muse
And I do not even want to write; that’s dead too
It’s all dead, just withered vines and gum wrappers
Mucking up every step like a foul stench of mint and shit

Knowing I was born preferring the shit because at least
Most people would agree it was bad
Rather than the pretend sugar theater
Claw me out the daylight and plant me in a midnight

This heart like a tulip bulb praying for a trigger winter
To get out of this year alive before I run this car right into a tree
And the fingers cannot even click the writer’s blood letting
Rapture in hope; to hope so hard and hear the laughter

Holding a mirror up to my mouth to test the frost
Swallowed like an immolated vessel praying that there is more than this
More than this flame smoldering out from my skin
As the only thing keeping the darkness at bay

These metaphors and spirits circled overhead like a drain
To the positive connotations of a heaven I imagine in equal perniciousness
Like a neutralized atomic indifference we participate justifying
The happiness of those by the unhappiness in these

Blessed are the meek and suffering for they will inherit the Earth
Best sales pitch ever and I’m done buying
Trying for the surface just sink to the bottom with this stomach full of coal

Rationalizing that the rise is impossible for an entirely different reason 

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