Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Locusts of All Hollow’s Eve

I miss you like locusts on my field
The thoughts of who I wanted you to be devouring my seeds
Set out to hope like a thumb under an interstate overpass
Bitten off by my tongue

Wrestling around in the labyrinth of your silence
Decimating my understanding of who you ever were
Like a mad woman cackling at my wants
As if you ever wanted to be touched inside that sanctum

The closer I got to seeing inside the farther you ran
Lonely for water as if the train was going to stop in town
Instead of blowing smoke along that New Mexico line
Passing deserts and bayous for a heart that needs nothing

Just nothing, just smiling with horror black face paint
Stretching a masquerade for accolades from strangers
To make me believe that is all I ever was
An acquaintance that exploded in written shrapnel

Shredding the skin and gushing flush over like a diary in your inbox
Unable to stop the locomotive chanting Woody Guthrie and miscounted votes
Stuffed boxes full of blank names of all the men
Washed as if I knew a damn story but the one I wrote

Trying to cope with your silence truncating the conversation
Strangled in a parking lot wanting to care about a woman that never existed
Shedding her exoskeleton leaving the crops in ashen hunger
Swarmed in the numbers of what I will never be

This dance of thinking I see, thinking I know as if
When a soul touches another human a certain way from that point forward
It does not matter where they go or what they do
Their entire existence was captured like a snapshot on the platform of time

As all that was, is, and will be is a single instance
So that a mated soul can picture and perceive the grief, the loneliness, the wants
Even a woman running from ghosts in French Quarter alleys
Primed with cocktails and insomnia

A man cannot help but see what he sees or saw and so he writes
He writes like an insane immigrant attempting refuge in a country
He has never set foot but seen in his dreams like a promise his life has prepared him
And so the absence of such fruition leaves him starving like a pale horse

Calling for sanctuary to God and all the demons of mind swarm
As he attempts to be mindful of all the universe is
Praying that there is a right time; a time where all of this has a purpose
In either life balancing that happiness is possible

Between all these curses and cauldrons, mists and manifestations
Of lives wandering for love and ignorance
That she shall be able to dive deeper and he may be able to come up
And maybe just passing or maybe meeting

It is not his to know
But in either there is hope
And even that feels like blasphemy

In a field of eaten crops 

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