Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In the Breath

The desperation in my desire to change for the sake of change
Is frightening
Just another layer of depression
The numbing

The deadening of facing the silence
To argue with my mind once more as if God
Has anything to do with conversation
Tears in shower stalls of shampoo and body wash

The glob on the rag to get the blob out the bottle
Bacteria off the skin and dead strands from the scalp
Dive in another book to live the worlds of dead authors
Knowing at least I have the libraries

If nothing else I can spend the next fifty years reading
Deadening my heart to slip existential when the crunch comes
The limp and the huff, the gush of blood to the cheeks
Wanting again and the hell always begins with the wanting

Depression is not the best, but it has its benefits
Don’t take away a man’s crutch unless you have something to replace it with
Fuck pills and chemical trick; I would rather my mind wade in the bog
Then give God the pass

I want to know as sure as possible press the pedal to the floor
In the search and only in the suffering can the forge grow hot enough
To bend a man’s soul, pound the orange-blackness upon the anvil
Metalwork not weapon, but poetry of speaking God’s name silently in the breath

The huff like the ancients inhale, exhale, ah, eh , uh, fffhh, Yahweh
I am who am; breath the beginning of holding dearness
This vessel like a sailing ship has volition like a mast in the moment
Breathing until taken to a divergent plane

Hoping that the nothing is not the everything
This is not the answer; this is not the answer; this is not the answer
But somewhere in the silence behind all of man’s attempts is a winding path
Where the measure behind the breath of all the breathers resides

So it is days numb me up; to survive to get by because wanting a helpmate
Has left shrapnel-laced busted guts and a cuckolded chest
Burrowing is all I got underneath the words for now because I’ll never find an answer
Don’t need one; just to know the road goes, goes somewhere, with and beyond the breath

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