Saturday, November 22, 2014

July 9 - Letters to Luna - The Old Point

The Old Point

Drink at the bar, slipping inside
Earlier than a precedent’s imprint
Joking about Holden in rye whiskey
Caught in reality outperforming

The nuance of water settling the body
Droplets wetting the lips, flowing an abdomen
Dangling eye contact to hold open a door
Sunflower and deciding where to put seeds

Traversing into old Algiers like Dylan
Cats on the street hand in the pause to acknowledge
That a man comes prepared to the old point
This path under the trinity of the ladder risks

Entry into youthful places feeling aged beyond routine
The tattooed sundown of covering the back beat
Conversation starters and mosquitoes buzzing back streets
Remembering her subtle concern for the patio of St. Joe’s

Amenities in the satchel to convey thoughts of the other
A planned intention of comfort to sink into the scene
As bodies mirror in hand, sight line, and posture
The dance of sex flutters in the comedy of assumption

Seeing her intelligence lift from the layers into the explicit
Of how she seeks to be viewed in honest reflection in the night
The vibration reverberates into a father beyond the grave
Of some hour to pair with the psychologist’s womb

The subtly of coding human in the context of a convex smile lifting
On the humor of made up holidays or a little girls’ soccer future at stake
On the lawn to a four year-old boy swimming a lap destined for a struggle
Coaching and balancing vampire diary entries

With a boy that picked out all the marshmallows from his lucky charms
And a girl that cherished them with the owl of Athena’s wisdom on her arm
Dancing the exhibitionist controlling the audience truncating their purview
When she elects like driving shifts because some time cars go off the road

The overwhelming scents of herbs stimulating in a miniature bouquet
In her fingers as he expresses the implications of an overstimulated amygdala
On his life as she recalls an A positive blood type and his collapsing to rubbing alcohol
To her naming the introvert’s tome before he even need speak the title

Good at entertaining one’s mind, sometimes he looks away
As the words waiting in the assembly line are three steps ahead
And looking into her eyes breaks the chain as if he knows
The counseling, the evaluations, the helping other humans speak

From their hearts blabbering on their chests like marionettes
To the strings of the silence she lets linger in that chin and those eyes
Peering like a woman who likes to stand by the wall
And absorb her surroundings, contemplate, and choose

When she is ready for a heart to emote
In sight lines and by-lines of how these moments shook out
In a living room show of an acoustic guitarist singing about sharks
Melbourne and New Orleans po-boys and his wife calling 911 to save a life

For a man to turn the knob and enter to pursue to provide
What she requires in the moment escribed
Kitchen eschew, rooms occupied, ascending darkened stairs
To light the way for water’s escape

Rendezvous at a guarded door for the security to explore
The busted night on wood planks and hand shakes
To set this chest of ice in the car trunk
As she wishes to walk up the levee

Past the peering eye fence and turkeys standing in the night
Shuffling over to see the muddy river flow below the feet of the mount
Staring out in those moments that make all great men
A first kiss exchanging unspoken subtlety for purposeful expression

The glow of a street light and the moon
To take time in a beam and stretch whatever star’s gift
Exploding that sun from the other chasms of the universe
To hit her lips whilst eyes closed

Could rise a man to offer his name
A woman to show a man her home

And think about the beautiful exchange  

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