Saturday, November 22, 2014

Jul 31 - Letters to Luna - Coffee and Blueberries


 My head is ringing with a hedonistic sleeplessness.  Part of me feels wordless.  Part of me feels like biting into a peach and your colors exploding like a nectar shower.  I can feel the fuel burned in the pedal pressed.  I feel the coming days of you taking this trip to Alabama and steadying my hands on the wheel.  

 I am happy to be growing this with you.  I also know what it feels like to veer straight into a tree.  I am not worried about that with you.  I just know last night in some of those moments I let myself burn out of control in a way like down a road in wanting I may find difficult to pull back. 

 There were scents of emotions in my lungs wafting and part of me does not want those yet.  The poet in me is bastard that gets me in trouble.  I am wary of him like Pan.  I don’t want either of us to feel penned or spook each other.  I just want to be and reveal slowly.

 But my brain, my body, last night, this morning, just wants to take you.  I wrote this poem this morning.  I felt I had to get the poem out to give myself a chance to function.  The intensity, that measure of passion feels like a prelude.  I want us to push each other.  I want the rough, the fire of tearing each other apart naked all the way down on multiple levels the way these letters do.  I want to sip bravery with you and see where that might lead. 

 I want to give each other the gift of time to hear and see all of it to here.  That way you can know what I know: monsters, mistakes, insecurities, pains, wants, dreams all of it.  I want you to eat me alive in there and be able to be next to that passionate pit.  I want you to show me yours and I am hoping for kindred that might lead to empathy and bonding.  Those are just hopes, I am not naive or jumping ahead; I just know the more I find out about you the more certain things register in my caverns. 

 There are stories of the people you have known, the women in my life, the things we have screamed at the moon over that have nothing to do with them.  There are stories of what we each do when we come home from work, the hours, the lines, the logistics of daylight and alarm clocks: the bullets in the chamber that could riddle us.  The idea of if you want a relationship, how that makes you feel, what you want in your life, and how part of me thinks of an owl flying from her branch back into the darkness. 

 I have this space in my life, this other bus ticket that wants to be used.  I want you to think about trying this seat alongside me for a while to see how it feels in your mind.  I do not want to date anyone else right now.  I want to pursue this with you. 


Coffee and Blueberries

 Preparing countertops, provisions, and the aroma of attention
So it is a man acquires cucumbers and a carafe
Stocked liquor cabinet, quiet retreat
From the city to make simple syrup available

So that a woman can have of all things options
Space of Sam Cooke and Etta James, Otis Redding and a turned page
On a coffee table for a man that does not drink it
Never wanted to feel addicted as if he had to have something

He could not say no to in order to function
The chocolate, the mint, the alien in his body he tries to live with
The first relationship is with the self; demons, demons, badass angels
Swooping in like a blood drenched Valkyrie to stand back to back

Take on the fields, born to die, root feet in flowered wings
Sail the mind maleficent and kind entwined that we are each
These beasts ripping flesh in our lovers to the line pressed
The sensations of animalistic human dearth

To walk these lives in lined Earth socialized discretion
To be appropriate to the curve of a rectangle
Reptile brain wants to feed, primate wants to burrow
Inside the consciousness of a lover’s ego

She walks in feeling underdressed, a collared shirt to glimpse
Facet of his daily tasks sans the jacket and the computing masks
Still in posture and quiet voice, slowing night from too long unending days
Stroke of the clock and the unknown hand

Choosing to share this current of what cancer is and has done
The impact he knows she is not speaking to hear a solution no one could offer
Her presence soaked in an emotive shower to push out and pull back in
As her witness she chose him to verbalize the drain

He sees her strength of her boundary of encumbrance
Like a mountain top above the clouds of where she probably has been
Imagining a world where she comes down and they might climb the next one together
Warm, schmaltzy like the way Grace Kelly looks at Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window

Broken leg and he realizes how much she is capable of and his world turns
Hope like a sharpened knife or a compass in the badlands
She makes him want to get a juicer and stock coffee creamer
Like that slice he cut floating in her cocktail; she asks him if he is going to eat his fruit

His teeth gnash the orange and she warns him of the lime’s tang
Soaked in a potion he may always associate with her name
He bites; she asked for another, obliges, she reads on the sofa
Wandering into Calvino’s fairy tales he returns with hers and a Sazerac

She asks to finish this tale and keeps her feet comfortable
Wraps his hand behind her shins and finds Springsteen’s Thunder Road
As they sit side by side quietly reading, just being like promise
Hazy head to get the cut lemons for Pimm’s cup in the fridge  

Settle nudity in the darkness, the not sleep
Wanting to devour and be devoured
Rough, tease, leg wrestling
Pulling, wrapping in heat, pressing and how

Biting, pinching, grabbing, thrust
Pulsing fingers rounding hub
Hands in playful seek, mouths hiding, peek
The moon is not quite full

The strength in her legs straddling skin to slide and pin
It may be the first time she danced for him
He saw her ballet in the darkness and felt happy drunk
Besotted body blood-flushed hung

Like a portrait of how much fun they could have
The texture of what alive is as Dali stands there melting time
Wanting night to expand so that alarm clocks and work
Demanding sleep for the roles of day may get paid

But this, oh this; his elbow is stretching in every compression of his hand
To firmly take her skin in scapula, bicep, breast, buttock, and gliding above her perineum
Circling in lines like a trace of pheromones coming home
Stretching the stamps on his passport waiting for a visa

Contemplating citizenship of where this might go
Wanting that emotional root to genuinely implant in each of them
Because he sees potential and wants a woman that believes in magic to believe in magic
So he might believe too; to say she is thinking about thinking she might begin to care about him

He can hear her smile in the charcoal; she asks him what he is looking for
A life partner, turn the corner and a warehouse that just keeps going
The boxes, words, stories, and emotions are endless
The surprise of what one thought could fit in a person obliterates paradigms

Each to be his and herself, complement
Wants a woman to want what he has to offer
And in that sentence he felt like he revealed himself like his past flipped the light switch
He quit speaking and let the air settle like tonic water

She says she is a natural blonde
And paints another living metaphor in his head
Rebellion and a fighter’s punch to claim the paint on the blade
She was stabbed with and be that badass angel slaying back

Floating through his mind on fire
“Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife baby
 Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
 Through the middle of my soul

At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
And a freight train running through the middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire, I’m on fire”

The curl of the morning of her phone going first
Elbow swollen like the joint is going to burst
Curling up slowly in the pierce of the light
Pulling the alarm he worried about in the night

Sounding off, she would have to deal with
Asked to switch bodies and he didn’t think of it
The skeleton rattles, time ticking down
Horse needs a saddle, gunfight at the corral

She rides bareback and he wants to go too
She’s got to go and do what she’s got to do
Seen the orange blossom special thunder through town
Mustangs running and he knows that sound

Hoofs burning fields he will never try to tame
He has his own broncos storming plains
“Hey little girl is your daddy home
  Did he go and leave you all alone
            I got a bad desire, I’m on fire

            Tell me now baby is he good to you
            Can he do to you the things that I do
            I can take you higher, I’m on fire”

Morning calling points his legs in the air
Turns on NPR as he starts to shave his beard
College story coming on about budgets being cut
Fined for mishandling student’s sexual assaults

Confidentiality and having a counselor paired
Segment sponsored by a cancer researcher and his mind goes there
Universe bending in and the razor slices the mirror’s stare
Puts his business suit on and shows her his tattoo

If time goes on from the doorway’s taboo
Stairway down and the coffee is in her phone, dream baby dream all the way home
Sleepless state, head’s in a haze, walk to her car, mind is spinning days

See her again; I have got a bad desire, baby I’m on fire 

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