Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 4, 2014 Red Herring Day

Second term president mid-term blood letting
Flood the program in Koch money crushing the canned
Mailer in the box daily about the executive in a race for a senator
Blue and red one-party pulling apathy

Through the streets with F150’s rallying for low turnout for a swap meet
Alternating turns at the wheel for the illusion of a middle pit against a lower
For an upper oligarchy consolidating resources in an exponential
Acceleration for human extinction

The numbers of unemployment lowest in years
Economy accelerating with stagnant wages
Increased minimums and affordable healthcare albatross sound-bite nooses
Facts secondary to sentiment because maintaining control

Is paramount to avoid revolutions in the streets
If the average cat understood the magnitude of a trillion dollars
Compared to a ten-ten wage or what work till you die means
Superfluous hamsters in Guatemala to Houston chained in desperation

To keep a border-line for Juarez, spook African Ebola behind a jungle specter
Distraction in the combat of allowing a Senate to flush crimson
What that means behind six years of obstruction and what a party would do
If it could propose what it means, got to be so careful with the veil removed

To be so public in the request to pass legislation beyond rhetoric
Force state-admitting privileges to block abortions
A vote in D.C. on what marijuana looks like on a resume rather than a budget
Appearances like who goes to services on Sunday and takes the bribe on Monday

The backline of a political action committee denial to “that is not my ad”
“I had nothing to do with that, I benefit from, but did not approve this message."
The hypocrisy of the grease pipe spewing midnights of a system intending
To maintain the standard as long as possible as if once-in all hope is lost

The ballot box meaningless as soon as the commercial cycle ceases to occupy the airwaves
The televisions do not advertise what good is, only the hurdles purported as an opponent
There is no opponent, no ass or pachyderm just money, power, a troth
Doing what we do, no us, no them, no will-not be televised revolution,

Just the byproduct of a truce
Between how little can I be involved before my nut is threatened?
Take his, hers, but not mine, who’s coming him? Them?
Staring around the room

In a global battle of empathy to move towards a feminist perspective
To value the whole over the ordained echelon piloting
Pfizer 10-K results and why you think you need a loaded barrel
Anarchy and misery brewing a food bank to slurp on the evening news

Distorting what is for what the one-party wants you to see
To never be an eight-lane Hong Kong highway occupied with a tent city
For the right to pick your own candidates, America has that; sure if you think so?
Funds to run, who has the right to tell you what you think is important.

Happy balance of powerful men sporting hand guns pointed at each other in a concrete room
Trembling fingers ready at the trigger keeping the world in balance
Food and water from a draining aqueduct in the center of the circle rotting

Oceans outside the building starving told not to grow a garden
Not to go solar, not to question the charge-master hospital bill  
Listen to clear channel radio and bob your head to anything but Dylan or Marley
Swipe your card through the drive-through and combust Christmas like it’s real

As if the champion of shed possessions would ever ask you to horde
By participating in a commercial binge of a fat man in a sleigh
Who has never actually brought anyone a damn fucking thing
Believe in the red herring wedding

That today something was ruined or accomplished rather than simply continued
Like an undulating mask-wave to disguise the magic trick is to keep society from imploding
Into asking how can we hold the powerful accountable to do the right thing
When no one is looking or forces mutual assurance inside industries and sectors

To create a verified proxy-voting system to effectually supplant Congress
For the richest country on the globe to be a flag-bearer for health rather than war
For democratic renewable energy rather than fossils owned like diamonds
Only valuable because there is a commercial telling the masses

You need this for your love to be valid, to wed unless you have similar gonads then no
But breeders go ahead and press the pedal while the Jurassic gel lasts
Because a bicycle is anarchy, death with dignity is anarchy
Diet before pharmacology is anarchy,

Free internet college courses for recognized national certifications is anarchy
Gardens over lawns is anarchy, canceling Christmas consumerism is anarchy
Drinking just water is anarchy, recognizing the danger of consolidated wealth is anarchy
Love for no reason but love is anarchy

Ideas were never on the ballot
All you see is non-white male vote staying home disenchanted with a Manchurian candidate
Tilting the demographics of a national electorate so that we never mention the turnout
Because the one-party does not want you to focus on the turnout

Only the idea of a fifty-one percent conclusion
As if once piercing the majority the totality is muted

No complaints; you voted; you chose this obstruction
To hold weight, to sit in these rotating chairs of tenure
To bark ideologies over ideas because the forty-nine percent
Is not the forty-nine percent

Voters tip between the lesser of two-clones
Based on a wedge-issue that never represents legislation
Just a sound bite; and the trillions get shifted in the background
Between the forty percent of the fifty-one that succumbed

The forty-nine percent that declined and the masses that stayed home
So that the approval of the sliver of citizens united that remain sleeps in a bank account
Dwarfing the remainder
To wonder where the line between chaos and control resides

Beating in the worries of a Kansas soccer mother and a Santa Fe factory worker
Visualizing resentment in an ad spot paid for to support the ideas in their own heads
That pull their strings   

Pumping an anthem in a red herring about things to come 

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