Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Moving Debate

Maybe I am supposed to go, just not now
In this rush of motivation to flow a mortgage into a mortgage
To on some level prove to her that I am not worthless
I am daring and vibrant like the city I run towards

I am not this plastic blankness of a suburban cliché
Not wanting to be both or me or that or this
I could find rebirth in the smaller confines as if I was closer
Or would make friends with my neighbors in my hermetic routines

I hear the fires of the onions, bell peppers, and celery
Stirring the roux, timing and color to get to that perfect chocolate brown
Unsinged emulsion ready to absorb the flavors of the dish
Basking in the palette of a classical autonomy dancing in New Orleans

I cannot imagine myself living in this two-story forever
Wanting an outlet with hips and a miracle smile
To make me want to talk to a banker and shift residence
Into her, into this, either way with

This is the volley upon the field, grass testing winter’s grip
Seeded in dormancy for a string of breathing midnights
Yoga mats, dodge balls, and poetry reading in the silences
The animal farm and the Chateau D’If channeling protests and prayers

Is this the direction?  Is this the time?
Are these the words?  Who is the woman at the top of the stairs?

The pictures run like a film strip flapping upon my brow
Pictures of what home is reducing in the meditation in the sound
Of last resorts and first responders of hearing the nations gather
In ancestors calling me home

Where I am supposed to be and the timing to confront fear
Of when is enough and where is the bull waiting to gore a body in the street
Eyes blood shot and nervous that a step left will not be retraced
So that standing still is progress

Faith that in this Thanksgiving
The traveling bones will smell home 

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