Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Brook Banks

There is a hope in me somewhere
That you may wander past a bigger feeling than destroying me
That you could explain to me the reasons why you understand
What I wrote however fervent was at least partially on point

To the world you know inside your caverns
Navigating seems all impossible, but
That is dare why hope exists for those that reside in darkness
To be like candles for each other

Painted in flame and destroying and protecting
Helping warm in the cold
For a heart to survive a transition beyond the arenas of malice
For empathy wanting to bond

Knowing the piercing volley of indifference caked
At a woman manipulating the world to get by, just get by
So he plants his sides and prays in the moment
All there is, is this now, this moment

All that was is gone into the river passing
The current of lives being brave enough to love beyond the blades
Maybe, maybe, just maybe
See hope somewhere in this rubble flotsam

Hopping stone islands in the rushing brook
Between banks of everything is random to interconnected
Extremes like faith in absolutes bartering for eternity
In the gasps of your lack of response

The indifference caked on like the layer of insulation
The masses gather that the pamphlet chapter and verse
Was answer enough nailed in wood to the cross-piece
To sail past the siren’s call and definitively accept

I am a thrashing man, wailing eardrums burst
Praying it was the voice of God inside you
In the silence, most of all in the silence
The mountain carved itself in passion’s watery scalpel

I see the staircase available my attempted ascent, your decline
The flame and brook, the pages I mistook for a divinity blazing in your chest
How I want nothing if not that to levitate me into communion
With what life is flawed, rustling, and intimate

I am shed like a cat shaking droplets
Praying, praying this all has a purpose

These waters only in the moment

Accepting the flow never stops 

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