Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Love as Smolder

Wanting to morn a body that never was
See a life as a seed as if extrapolated emotions could bear weight
Like the fruit from a branch severed in a hurricane’s wind
Imagined like fleshy pulp bitten and savored

The remorse of a tongue rounding the apple’s sweetness
Lingering into a crush of fiber compressed
That if what one feels is present is painted into a portrait
The hue becomes history like editorial discretion

Fading into the bar lights like tip toeing midnights
Slinking from a bedroom shared and witnessing
The mattress to the left remain sparse with vapid energies
Conjuring a woman into a pillow to wrap an arm

As if the flowers upon her back were a garden of spring’s germination
Into summer’s bloom for autumn’s baleful grip harvesting sorrow
Time wrestles like earnings of authenticity rooting
To have but weeks knowing how deeply certain plants burrow for water

Finding the vast reservoirs of contemplative minds converging
To appear so and obliterate so abruptly from one end and potentially holding out
On the other ruptures the levee into a cascade of seasons parading
Like every day cycles from winter into winter

Blips where the only life growing are memories
Do nothing plants rehearsing a story until reality fades behind tainted petals
Masking a thorn-maze of tendrils shredding progression into halts of blood
Wanting to try to pass beyond the thickness

Seeing ghosts of mermaids that never existed slurped under shorelines
Staring at the water’s gleam praying for her to surface in the languid moonlight
Soliloquies of write gather until the madness collects any lingering entitlement to speak
Regurgitated like a mother bird into her offspring’s maw

The sickness sets that there is no place else to go but swallow
The worm has been chewed in sufficient iteration to transpose character and flaws
So that life becomes an idea contingent of time’s grip slipping in the disproportional power
Of love’s lament: one to live in the fire, one to walk away each seeing a blaze

As passion, as disaster, as smoldering, as extinguished

Reading thermometers by the warmth of one’s hand and not the embers    

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