Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Done, I’m Done

I am dying for something human from a lover
The rest of life is decaying rapidly at the wasteland
As all this self-confidence love the inner you crap is a nuclear winter
I have expressed feelings, written, done poetic

Meditated on the yoga mat bending my spirit to be one with the universe
Searching for God behind every smile like just point me in a direction
Anywhere, anyone, even the wrong place; I just want some faith beyond nothing
That this is not atheist wonderland it appears to be

Validated in all the rejection and silence masking time and space
Into the great indifferent
Performing theater for rocks and stardust flittering hot flashes
In a grand menopause of life’s creative properties shutting down

The whole is squandered and miracles are coughs fudging the system
I want to hear my heart matters to someone without a vested biological interest
To have that reciprocating wave undulate inside my being and light me on fire
Not the test flight, but the real go, the missiles and the bullets blazing

I am dying for something human from a lover
And I think she has me dead to rites
That I wanted and believed this was it; the changing of the guards
The watchtower shifted and no, just nothing, just empty

How and by and all I want is to stamp a passport and get back into the ignorance of neverland
Believing before the butcher took my organ and dismembered my innards before my eyes
Stuffed the squashed pluck back in my flesh bag and deemed me still alive
As if capable of navigating this wrenching mire with a cartoon heart and coal lungs

I wanted to see you once; I wanted to feel you in her like we had a deal
That I would go through all that other shit and a beautiful reward was possible
That I would pay back to her in every kindness for the other’s malignant disparagement
I would be alive in the fire dancing and she would be repaid for her own sentencing

I saw it all vanish in a Wednesday in an email popping on my phone
Confirming my suspicions on why she would not call me back
That I slipped, written and said the wrong verse exposed the lines of a heart
Too gray and too big to fit in paragraphs and the continental qualifiers obliterated my hope

Hope that you exist beyond the realm in the belief that vulnerable women exist
That I am allowed to ever believe that this is not a random bullshit circus
Of how much can I take; how many punches; how many welts; how many years
Fuck it I don’t care; if this was nothing than fuck it, fuck you, fuck it all; I’m done

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