Wednesday, December 26, 2012

With the Shadow

I watched a television show that described the adaptation of the human brain
To dependence on sight, so that when we view objects in a predicable context,
Such as shadow, an object will appear to us as if it is in shadow,
Even when bearing the same hue as another object,
Simply by the implication of its surroundings 

This brought me to an extrapolation of interrelationships
Dancing around the criterion of what it means to be a man
My lack of a pick-up truck, need to haul shit, or
Height to thump my skull upon any branch of stature  

I am in the veil of shadow appearing as boy, no epic beard or callus palm
To grip the swindle in the cognitive magic acts of assumed conclusions
Stitched with the eyes; the kind as if we see two parallel lines extending vertically
And put two objects of equal length perpendicular  

The lower of the two objects vertically will also appear shorter horizontally
Given the slightest tilt in vision, despite being nothing of the sort
I find this contextual diagram of life profusely problematic
Given my nature;  

I am an internal being, one of muted external senses
Those of movement, of speech of social prisms are perfunctorily blunted
Dulled as the network of my existential contemplations persist on a hyperopic level
Like a gorging universe of magnetism occupying my sensorial locus  

I can see a person’s childhood, his dynamics, her motivations
His superego sprinting around the vulnerability to fend away intrusive
Topics sensitive to historical understandings; I can see a person 10,000 meters deep
Like Marianas eye-sight of an albino blind crustacean, but
I cannot see what should be right in front of me as one learns at lunch time in sixth grade 

I always wondered why from elementary school I realized my sense of rhythm
Was lacking, my metronome akimbo, when seated I often like to place
My right ankle over my left as if making a merman’s tail,
(For whoever writes stories of mermen) and yet,  

This physical position holds my focus better in thought
I one day realized by eliminating my external senses, in this case walking
Or to a degree motion itself, my inner-eye, my inner-mouth was granted
A greater magnitude of freedom  

This is as I imagine how when a person goes blind
His brain remaps the neurons previously dedicated to sight to hearing
So that stimuli can be interpreted with greater acumen, 

Which after jettisoning gross notions of social awkwardness and inadequacies
Is what I have learned to do as a writer,
I dive into myself to find the ocean of interaction that this introversion
Was designed to produce;
For the degree of this behavior which ordains me to be an anomaly, I am uncertain  

For whoever dives into the mind of another?
But I can attest that I am diving; I am spelunking in this cavernous hall
This poetry, this writing is growling at me like foul monsters of the deep
And graceful angels of the loft to be released to flitter and debate  

With the vastness that my limbs are left in elementary sensorial development
To dance spastically, my nose of pheromone inhalation (our most basic primal sense)
Is often befuddled as to how the exterior of a being could possible
Communicate the vastness of the interior of a being  

So from very young, I have recognized my dilemma, yet
Have found solutions to be feckless hunts for mermaids and dryads
The rouge on lips to mimic a vulva, the aperture of a pupil
The symmetry of face surely indicate genetic disposition  

However none of this seems to expel an iota of the magnanimous orchard
That I seem to spend so much of my time, mimicked in another
So as it is, I am a vagabond whispering at tree branches aloft
As breezes push autumn into winter into spring into nothingness  

As seasons are stepping stones of taste buds sensing a differential in temperature
Oscillating by the hour or barometric pressure point, I am dulled
I am incapable of tracking such mercurial wisps,
As time inside this hold of internal analytics is striated by a different currency 

The very strings that forge the fabric of my being appear of a divergent biology
As often as they appear the same, maybe as some might say with the shadow

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