Wednesday, December 5, 2012



I am a proud introvert.  I like to contemplate.  I like to be left alone for expanses of time which others would probably find uncomfortable or feel compelled to explain to others the context of why wrong may or may not be occurring given the anomaly of a use of ones limbs, mind and function in solitary.   

I find the platform peaceful where as an extrovert may venture out to sort thoughts enticed by an interface of another human being to generate participation in what defines living or doing.  I am capable and often happier facilitating such creation inside the auspices of my own dominion.  

Imagine a rainforest of birds, apes, and arthropods scampering and calling out to one another beckoning one to pay attention.  I have that inside my own brain compelling me to write or document or sort these thoughts of interstate highway levels of activity bustling despite the external silent me appearing sullen or bored to an outsider.  I need my alone time to interact with these words, to participate in my own conversations.   

Certainly I enjoy other humans, but prefer a few close humans and deeper discussions rather than the hive of a party or trying to compute if you have time or desire to listen to me.  I am a cactus; I do not need much interaction, but the water I take in becomes a well.  I listen.  I imbibe.  I create more than the average extrovert by being left to nurture my own seed in solitary.  

This does not make me an anomaly.  Statistics may give us one in every three.  Society may praise the confrontational, the loudest, the tallest, the boldest, yet none of these generalities are correlated to competence nor the validity of an idea.  The genesis of novel practicums and grand solutions may birth from a consortium or the microcosm of a man left to dive into the consciousness of silence.   

My argument is that both are valid.  Furthermore my face in regards to the stark stare some have affixed the label of sullen or disconnected or baleful in the absence of social decorum to jabber about like a parrot, is indicative of my clockworks.  My appearance is as much a choice as another man’s is to check in with his many acquaintances to appease and invest in that end of the spectrum of social wealth.   

It is Darwinian.  Portions of our society are introverts.  We are computing, debating, writing and considering that which will ultimately benefit the whole of our organism, despite disinclination to what makes one a prom king or queen.  Furthermore the avenues to public office have so often put us at war with ourselves to serve the whole of our species.  Peer through the halls of congress and see the effects of turning our neck towards the loudest tallest man?  See the grandeur of our democracy.  

In both we hold value; in each we find wealth.  Though sometimes, as others have illuminated before my meager contribution, we are asked to go to war with what makes us who we are.  Make no mistake; introverts are the minority, one I am so grateful to call home.

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