Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Breakthrough

The Breakthrough  

I remember the time and circumstance of the breakthrough
It was then; that is all that is relevant
For what was eventful for me is quite irrelevant for any other
As the perspective beholden is the only matter, which matters  

To peer into the sound between the quiet
The one the world is clawing to insert like a constantly running dishwasher
To cram inside ones consciousness
To hear the detergent bubbling and gurgling on crusted debris  

Meander through the foam and find the ocean in equilibrium
The measure of entry and lack of escape
That muscles lack the energy to support limbs’ return to shore
When the knowledge hits, the reaction is a pandemonium of the either or  

Love or fear systemic like the bubbles pulsing upwards
From methane vents splicing heat and reactionary chemistry
To channel the origin of biology evolving through the confluence
Of time, energy and possibility placed in eons of this comparative planet  

Against the next in a universe upon universe folding in tangent pulses
Through the gravity of black-hole dimensional worm coils approaching
Collision in wave upon wave calculating the exact moment to exhale
Into oblivion and revelation that these actions of undulation  

Occur quite naturally from the minute complexion of cells in an eye
Viewing a screen scrolling up and down to the peeking normality
Of one universe yawning awake or one vent in a body of water jettisoning
The old design of nonorganic into the carbon-variation of what a pupil is 

I am in totality functioning amongst the stasis of nowhere
Embracing the realization that the gargle of the wash is unavoidable
If the infinitude of silence is to be embraced as nothing of the sort
As sound is only a paradigm of sensation inadequate to perceive the magnitude  

Of that which we encounter; so in this I give certainty away
As love to a child with terminal illness; I give you compassionate willingness
To prolong the value of existence in the air bubble of worthiness
I exit, I enter, I exit, I enter  

I see, I breathe, I hear, I touch, I taste, I sense the numb as I would nothingness
Knowing the preponderance is unfelt, un-sensed, undetected
We feel in a microcosm; so tangential, I hope peering inward
The sun is so lovely just beyond the horizon

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