Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ghosts in heat

Ghosts in heat 

Ghosts in heat
Chasing joy like phantom lovers
Washed over faces gray and gone
Limbs of slender whisky-candy amalgams  

A metallic Geist welded with petty coats, skirts and slacks
Formal wear and dapper hats in visions of occasion  
Dancing inches from the faces of working women typing legal briefs
Nursing drunkards back to a manner of stability  

Monitoring blood pressure and sweat
The mystery dancers flitter about their heads
Loving memories of other beings
In promenade about the populace  

Foxtrot in hospital rooms, waltz in office space
Cubicle tangos and merengue in Applebee’s booths
The juxtaposition is eternal of couples blank of face
Envisioned fashion statements endlessly grip each other  

Like a continuous being formed and un-forming and re-forming
In the motion of a perpetual existence inside the crucible of an idea
That these iterations of task, of trite concentrated doing stitched to breaths
May in tandem always be the dance  

There is no waiting, this is no pretrial evaluation
There is only here in this now the chance to see ourselves
Admixed into the nexus of congregated time
Our feet patterned and dwelling in the ballet of how we choose to be

So as this singularity is concentric the fingers to thimble
The palm to hammer, the eyes to computer monitor
Are encircled by the duet of spectral feet, wrists in tango
Sensual yet invisible like a musical mechanism  

Of the he or she whom we could be, or are, yet
We segment these conceptual indulgences into the belly of retreat

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