Sunday, December 9, 2012

Economic Mirror of Hemispheres North and South

Economic Mirror of Hemispheres North and South 

Hate and fear douse, repeat, raging bull stock market
Poverty, social security crisis fear of death milks
From an organism questioning our survival
On the only planet we have ever known 

In bountiful America seeing our tomorrows waving goodbye
As if departing from possibility into perdition
If we privatize the system, mints will be channeled stacked like icebergs
In the chests of banks we have already determined are too big to fail 

We demonize the images of culprits: welfare queens chugging forties in Cadillac’s
Homeless thugs pitching drugs, greedy labor unions, left wing media bias
Who owns the media, must be the vagabonds for the media to make sense
Interests of one percent of the population merits exorbitant attention 

Stock market tickers, NASDAQ, demonize the human strikes
Wage increases equals cost of production, not macroeconomic stimulus
Hoard gold-standard, Caesar’s gilded coins,
Our inability to print money interest free shackles the morrow  

Controlling the money supply is the only pertinent variable
Give the gold-standard and those who hold the gold make legislation
To produce intentional depressions to cause desperate sellers,
To buy when cheap, ascend the market and capital gain again  

Corporations are in favor of moderately high unemployment rates
Unemployment equates to desperate workers creating higher profits
Retained and only accessible through taxes with the off chance we revolt 

The religion of anti-socialism is to propel the states towards the right
We insert puppets in raw-material factory foreign-lands and
When the puppet gets out of line we overthrow
Behind the veil of Soviet-communist influence: Guatemala, Vietnam, Cuba, El Salvador
Human rights statistics taking matters into our own hands 

We leave babies naked in the streets, pissing and shitting wherever, whenever
We smash the campaign for our flag,
Somoza Debayle in Nicaragua was our son of a bitch!
We protect the Saudi authoritarians; tyrants ensure the profits flow to the west 

We do not care about the rest, supply Saddam Hussein in war with Iran,
Brutal one step out of bounds for a moral war for the invasion of a foreign country,
Why this country over another, why this, why that? 

Suharto, in Indonesia, East Timor massacres, irrelevant starvations
Two dollars for a worker for a hundred dollar pair of Nike’s
With a Bible to deceive England will colonize Kenya humans and
Land to become the property of the Queen funneling back
to the white man’s obsession with Kate Middleton’s uterus 

We have become that which we rebelled
A plutocracy of corporations commandeers taxation without representation
In the form of natural resources and labor from the bowels of the poor 

Eviscerate the land and the men and then
Stack the silver in a foreign bank to act as planetary Gods
Un-beholden to any nation arrogant on a corporate Olympus 

Debts transfer from generation to generation, no food, no land
Slave-like conditions call it the planation, the mine like it is  

Food and shelter blame San Paulo for the Ethanol
Slave-like at least slave-owners gave food and shelter
Freedom used to dwell on the outskirts, the water is full of rust
Daughters resort to prostitution, sons to drugs to make ends meet 

Work for seven dollars a day cutting sugar cane for fourteen hours
Killing, cities of thieves seeing the dysfunction in legacies of violence
Forced under slave-trades uprising from the prerequisites of capitalism
Manipulating labor markets whenever possible most accurately explained  

By the wealth gap, ask yourself, where is that mathematical ratio trending?
Wider or narrower, if the answer is not obvious, then your ignorance is deafening
Look at the world crumpling in our idealistic America
Obsessed that we each will one day win the lottery  

Barbaric Dutch exploiting Asia led Amsterdam
To usurp London at one point to become the financial center of the world;
A tiny country, low under water, a tiny people  

Yet a power on the Earth, Hail, Hail Royal Dutch Shell!
Generations of accumulation for the power of Rembrandt painting the Night’s Watch!
Such mighty hats, mines and spices, metals and propaganda only could be done
By so few exploiting the labor and natural resources of so many 

Bulb crisis
Capitalism is the rule of the game; externalize the costs of domestic financial gain
In the poverty perpetuated by the lower wages in the system extracting wealth
Maintain the colonies in a state of dependency

Look at America now, the slaves have domesticated to the yoke of a stock price! 

Venezuela went from a Spanish colony, to a British colony,
To a surrogate colony of the United States of America,
Make no mistake; Corporations are modern colonists!  

Unless people are controlled, they are going to challenge power
It is necessary for those in monopolizing wealth to manipulate opinion
Why do you hear left-wing media bias?
What are the tools, the pulpit, the statehouse, the overwhelming urge
to confuse facts from sentiment, reality and run from mathematics overtly?   

We have an opportunistic democracy, which gains from oil,
Which use to be cotton, then gold, and will soon be water 

Natural resources and free labor segregate individuals from industry
Force them to buy manufactured goods and equipment from colonial masters
Destroy natural economies, social structures, livelihoods 

England over India selling British textiles to Indians stolen raw materials
Sell back manufactured goods with a Bible in one hand and a rifle in another 

Destroy every indigenous religious relic as Idolatry
Claim exclusivity on salvation!  Claim exclusivity on salvation!
Submit servants; one hand or the other
So dangerous are ye atheists, communist non-religious must be squashed!
At any interface, superiority of skin! 

Keep the islands marginalized under boot and plant churches like roaches
The indigenous people that dare to enter the temple still crouch on the ground
Pews still have teeth after these many years! 

Who owns the land?  Who owns the land?  Who owns the land?  Why, When? 

Europe associated Christianity with individual property rights
The marriage of every man for himself as consumed and
Painted over the message of Jesus with divided fortunes 

Percentages, mathematics, statistics, accumulation, industries
Northern hemisphere takes consumer societies
Southern hemisphere makes commodity economies 

Why is God Bless America so popular?
Why is God we trust on our money?
What are we reminding ourselves of?  Who benefits?
What would God say?

Oil is the new gold, the new silver, the new sugar, the new cotton
The battle has always been here, between the pockets of men  

What is there to exploit in Somalia compared to Angola or Darfur
Resources to exploit, extract victimhood, victimized
There are a lot of people that do not get their daily bread at home 

Neocolonialism, indebted countries dictated by Washington D.C.
The World Bank, the IMF, new-world-Order, water-water-oil
Not creating genuine foreign competition; we’ll come there and use your workers
Put the cross on the hill, sovereignty sacrificed to a bank note 

Monopolies for mineral extraction, water rights fishing off West Africa
Gorging nets trawling the hoard, the reefs cannot rebuild  
Taking in fifty years what took a thousand to grow
No more Canadian cod, ocean catch declines seventy percent 

Loan not going to help poor people
Usually goes to Halliburton building infrastructures in those countries
Power plants, ports, industrial parks, economic-hitmen
You owe us a favor, oil for our oil companies 

Sub Saharan Africa is paying $40,000 every minute to Northern Creditors
It is the South that is financing the North, Gasp! money flows
The government does not pay back a loan; it is from the country’s taxpayers 

Structural adjustment programs privatizing industries in third world countries
Bolivia was the lab rat for market fundamentalism
Trajectory: how is that working for you?  Define victory. 

Railroads, airlines, telephones, and water
Leaves nothing, suddenly the common wealth was owned by corporations
Revolution in the streets is the only recourse
Policia! Policia! Agua! Agua; who owns the rain? Bectel 

What does Wall Street want? 
Capital could be shifted to tax havens around the world and evade the tithe
Volume of capital in trillions your definition of consolidation of wealth
Explaining why poverty is not addressed, globally domestically? 

Who owns the land?  Who owns the chasms of the Earth, the sky? 

Malaria, malnutrition, AIDS, blue tarps, machetes crazed haze
School, exam fees, slum, supper tonight nah, count the mouths, count the coins
Gold standard, print the stomachs on the green backs
Lincoln was talking, shot with a memory kidnapped 

Opening markets to highly subsidized agriculture
Puts locals out of business, sounds familiar Kenya? Nebraska?
Government is coming, Dominion Group, Monsanto
Who holds, nothing, preponderance, Who made the rules, anger, anger;
Who votes?  Who lobby’s? 

Define democracy and see the words “free market” stitched like sainthood
What line will be crossed, by whom, by what, for a goal of?
Ferried to the North, local people, lives of servitude for access to ancestral land
Neoliberalism capital, structural violence in a state of under-development 

Social unrest, unkind to the economic control of resources
Arab Spring, who is watching, who is on guard, Saudi, Saudi, keep shush! Shush!
Reminders of king makers of rich and who gets assassinated or impoverished 

What happened to Ngouabi in Congo?
Montenegro in Guatemala
Allende in Chile, Roldos Aguilera in Ecuador
What of puppets that dare to cut strings?
What of threats unwilling to play games 

Our CIA acting as the private army of the president,
Interventions in other people’s governments
Iran in 1953 for British oil assets, Eisenhower did the dirty work
Qasim in Iraq wanted more oil profits to go to the Iraqi people
Saddam Hussein hired assassin power,
Power checks, 911, pay the subversives 

United Fruit Company in Guatemala overflow in 1954
Civil war, repression, reject land reform 

IT&T company financing coup of El Salvador
Mining interest in copper firms extraction industries in Bolivia 

Economic hitmen or jackals, not successful then we send in the military
That is what happened in Iraq, represents military neoliberalism
Attempt to push forward American interest previously through hegemonic consensual means,
now using gun boat diplomacy to ensure access to markets 

It is not that we cannot cure poverty, it is that the perpetuation of poverty is an asset of the wealthy to create that wealth, (the Bible in one hand the a rifle in the other)
Define the Republican party’s base’s thought process,
What issues are scientific what are based on fury? 

Siphon to a foreign land: Americans complain about cheap wage exploitation
As if the implicit assumption is not disparate;
The sacrifices of some for a modern-tax shelter 

Trickle down, growth for the sake of growth
Of growing wealth yet more poverty
Fixed amount of natural resources, land, air, opium, water, marijuana, cocaine, oil
Those who own are allowed to charge  

What if we lived in a world with a single oasis with one owner that owned all the water supply?  What if you lived in a world where that resource was unlimited?
Change the variable took away the gold, now the oil, or gas or water,
Perpetuate the extraction for desperation.   

Terrorism is directly related to our resource management
The dictator and the West become linked
Unequal discrepancies in wealth are the ones who are most violent
The audacity is palpable  

Lack of knowledge transfer from one generation to another
What have you to teach us?   

Our current health care system is operating under a 1950’s paradigm
And so the profit-checklist advises sickness and death as optimal recourse
In turn 

Global famine is an effective market solution
People die, demand for natural resources declines
Consolidation can continue, market corrects 

Oppose the exploitation
Subversive jackals will overthrow those in the third world
That dare assert national sovereignty,   

The idea of democracy becomes interchangeable with free market ideologies
Boris Yeltzin pimps privatization
The internal corruption shoots redistribution upward  

The story, the times, the changes
Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen; who is singing?
The votes are in our wallets, our congress, our ignorance, our consciousness
How we treat Mexico is reflecting in our mirror
There is a balance between capitalism and socialism and
it is beaming out of each of us begging to be seen

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