Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Ubiquitous Ink Bubbles of Main Street

Sometimes I wish people could see the darkness
Not the sidetrack of despair, but the grand obliviousness
The void pulsates with the gravity of misdirection
The menace is in what dare not be said  

The kernels of thought which do not germinate
Behind the road blocks of social deportment
The culture calls of religious maintenance
The tribe abides to that which neuters the seeing  

Acquiesce to the stimulation of artificial respiration
Machines attached ubiquitously, tubes in place of lungs
Cardiovascular mathematics sucking in a synthetic pop-booklet crop
Laboratory genetically altered plot of madmen hijacking the speech of goat tenders 

Fishermen of men gorging an orgy of nets the blackness emits
Nothingness dense in the morn, craving magnetically inward
A core of the understood, knowing the forgetfulness keeps the lotus eaters full
Righteousness, piety, the shelter of the herd stages the greatest evils  

This hatred, this anger, this fear is a galaxy stewing in a conch shell
Vagabonds wander ocean side of peering out at the waves
Suctioned in with the tide like beetles for wolf spiders 

I see the blankness in her facade; the what you did and I did persuasion of truths
There is no interface, no discussion, only the sparkle-dust of oblivion
The particles dangle about like head lice or mosquitoes
Daring the zombie to reference the buzz in conversation

I see them, does she; does anyone; so much hoard; so many bodies
I confine the urge to vomit; retching will only bring the gate-guards, the security squads
I would be called out impudent, activated, aware, to illuminate Nothingness
Would pursue my elimination for such vile biology
Spewed on their immaculate metallic painting 

I am reticent, silent at the crossroads of Main Street and Pine
Posing as a yield sign, taming the red into a monochrome, fending off the riot inside me
The cattle prods will come out if they could see through my eyes, reading my thoughts
I blink and send my brain into seizure, an opportunistic epileptic 

The plaque on my brain is a living film, the mass of yesterdays accumulated
Like a celluloid panoply mirroring the darkness as an assertive documentation
Of the stimulus in the environment generating such debris did in fact occur
The machines can wipe hard drives, plugs can be unplugged, electric lobotomies  

Gabba! Gabba! Hey! I ain’t no God damn pinhead!
We accept you, you are one of us
Silence, no speech, I will not take the medicine
Everyone’s accusing me! 

Gabba! Gabba! Hey! I am still free
Everyone’s accusing me! 

Evoke the styles of comfortable nomenclature
I cast the ghost of Joey Ramone to slay your screws, rivets, your wiring!
I am breathing!  I am seeing! 
I lick the darkness off your forehead likes Christ’s ashes with an index finger 

Bemoan not the damnation of the ending, but the lack of beginning to your existence
Cough out the pacemaker upon your heart; disconnect the distance of the firewall
Un-compute the source code of light and sunshine and dancing agreement
Such pansy placards are meant for the vomitorium! 

Rapid egress from this stage show; evacuate gawk sheep!
Cease the remonstration of my uncouth tone ballooning in your midst!
Acknowledge the cloud doth hangs about each skull in this amphitheater
My own and yours, his and hers, drink in such ink bubbles like water! 

No more outlets of Edison’s nightmare!
No more subway trains to nowhere!
Communicate from out your enclosure and crackle the eggshell!

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