Sunday, December 23, 2012

In Motion

In Motion

Some men by their nature are runners
In motion gallivanting through the populace collecting comment cards
Votes and idealistic wisdom as what others say about them
Is somehow applicable to the introspective clamor of idolatry  

The movement is a servant to the farce that what one does is what one is
Rather than what one intends or of what one thinks
For perception can turn the devil into the saint and
Transpose the two before the dawn; again and again etc.  

I have seen the dance steps mapped on floor boards
Collected like crib sheets documenting the affairs of great lovers
Dabbling in Eastern positions of coitus appalling and enthralling Puritans
The leverage is intoxicating of what one could be as long as one moves  

I have stopped moving World
I have found a tablet to settle, not in a limb, hand or knee bending,but in meditation  

As if the standard example of legs crossed arms folded or held together with eyes shut
Was applicable, for it is not, the very blocking of regular motions and those motioning
Is the antithesis of task of what one must do to achieve true meditation
I breathe in the commotion of the doers practicing the devil and saint charades  

To be as they are in myself yet still, I am opposed to the friction of knowledge
Allowing knowledge to be knowledge positioning its own motion for me
As ideas move so that I may be at peace in a singularity of fluidity
The thoughts come in unopposed and tranquil despite the wars or travesties  

Of Monday morning headlines, seeing the tales of greedy men parade
With bullets, stock tickers and clouds of dirt toiling into smog
I try to be as a redwood might; if trees had the attention span to bother themselves
With ranges of movement beyond the precipice of what is bad for another  

Is bad to the whole; to defy such is juvenile fragmentary discourse
To consider disjointed annihilation as part of the discussion, only a fool would utter such oblivion
So as it is, the trees do not speak, do not amble about with such immature drivel
And yet I am as plant-like as the limitations of my biology will allow  

I see the highway men of commerce and they tempt me with their status cakes
Eat to grow big and no more need to pass through the door
You can now knock down the wall and march into wonderland 
So the question is all again the marching, the motion, the walking;

The damnation always begins with the movement

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