Sunday, December 9, 2012

Medical Realities 2012

Medical Realities 2012

Progressing towards 2020, the demographics slipping
Some may argue the accolades of the current American health system
I beg of you to trade arrogance for mathematics and economics
Let scientists guide science and leave the profiteering at the portcullis 

However we fund, we must recognize the shifting of fundamentals
From outside homes into our consciousness
We must empower patients to manage our digital health identities
To merge and cross-reference these profiles with our genetic tree 

The branches, the trunk, the roots, we are but one species
Segmented by gender, culture and blood-type, yet
Why is our data trapped like CIA files?
We have to get a lawyer to speak inside our own lungs 

The private insurers sit there like Sauron’s black gate
Eye in the tower, watching witnessing violations
Of what is covered, what is not, who we are,
What can be deemed outside the legalese of a plan document  

What if there was no outside, what if there was another core belief
Nah, shush, shush the un-discussable
What if I had software on my laptop, television or phone
Of me, all of me, every appointment, every discussion 

Into multiple iterations of a virtual model where I or any human
Could peer into my body fueled with the statistics of modern
Digital medical devices equipped to my shell, into my cells
My speed of reaction, respiration rates while awake, while sleeping  

I choose the times of view; I choose what is material to me
I am armed with the weapons of a modern health industry
That simultaneously lowers costs to the overall system and
Provides me better health with staying in front of core issues
Based on genetic probability and patient awareness of his or her body 

What if that data was linked to other patients like me anonymously
Until both agreed to disclose names via a web-based data management system
We can discuss specialists, contacts, medications, therapies
What worked for our mother when she went through this disease two years ago? 

Maybe death’s stinger will allow one man’s poison to be another’s honey
I see not this disengagement to assert the holiness or the business-type expertise
To be confined to a hospital room or a doctor’s skull, although paramount
It is not the totality of the universe of our concern or salvation

The truth is our greatest doctor during our lifetime operates our limbs
Motions our fingers and toes to activate our continuation upon this planet  

What if every doctor and nurse in our treatment team had access to this data simultaneously in a web-based application that put the core information for their stage in the forefront and the other data accessible in the background? 

So it is, as we break apart this continuity we proceed to invite death, sickness
And keep wellness at bay for the sake of an accreditation hampered by a lawyer
A must do, a drug-company avoiding a potential suit, a cost-prohibited accumulation of hours or chemicals entering us; when in fact  

All great education is now released from text books, but swarming in the digital universe surrounding our bodies and like oxygen all we must do is simply breathe
Yet how can one man inhale alone if we neglect to grow the rainforest
If we folly in games of illusion about the aging of the Boomers and the fiscal realities 
The great trenches of dysfunction will swallow us if left unabated

I beg of you, see not just the selfishness of wanting to buy a man’s way into a medical bed,
but what is not available to that same man because he insists on a system
Predicated on his employer or individual tax return, when in fact  
A body is a body, is a living organism unbound to these trivial notions of entitlement

Besides the macroeconomics of the argument are completely incorrect
(Health is not a free-market good.)
That which the current system purports to create is merely a marketing campaign
To blanket over the externalities of the system which are already born by the taxpayers
That which the alternative is demonized for is the uncompensated scab
On the ass cheek of a Humana stock price 

So it is,
Let me save myself,
Who else has a better interest in my health?

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