Monday, December 10, 2012

The Space Between the Rain Drops

The Space Between the Rain Drops 

There is disconnection, fear lurking in bed
With latent exhilarated joy
The two cohabitate like paradoxical lovers
Want and self-destruction converse at a dinner table  

The man that I was and the man that I could be
Might shake hands, conduct an offer and compromise
Of self with the taxing authorities to allow the present to lead
Simplification of logistical codifications 

The compulsion to dive into myself, document the spelunking
And express this expedition in writing blindly
Who reads, who is of minor or material concern is but
The specter of a butterfly’s wings beating air in fantastical gusts  

I am segregated by this oxygen, this differential beckoning
Me to be as any adventurous introvert calling out
That which cannot be discovered by any rocket of metric distance
But only by dissolving the concept of a center  

That any mileage or journey is necessary to be in concert   
With that which is innate to one’s being as part of the whole
I am expressing and in that eruption I am falling inward  

To have possibility penetrate the circular nature of pursuits
So that in professing these words without taint of compensation
I may have found a virtuous ear of reciprocation
The potential of the fuel to that arc becoming geometric beauty  

Is approaching or is a mirage; I am uncertain
The haze of morrows fizzles and giggles at dawn
With felicity and horror 

I am aching at the notion with a reticent stance
And an enamored readiness to be open to the un-provable pillars
Faith, happiness, loyalty, and credulity

I am wanting after all notion of repression to engage in such folly
I am wanting potential to unfold and  

Like rain the possibilities are limitless in appearance, but in scientific resolution
Finite to the planet, all the water that ever was is and will be exists
No more can generate that what can be shared and I desire once more to drink

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