Monday, December 10, 2012

Fencing Alley

Fencing Alley 

Stabbed guts in an alleyway
Juxtaposed dank brick and dumpster
Garbage rank and clusters of flies humming raucously
About the faces of a self and an anti-self  

The figure of possibility and results barking voraciously
Until one of them is declared victor in the moment
Only for the duel to be embodied by midnight
Into another stagnant altercation  

The swings, the cleaver slices of muscular tissue
Plopping to the concrete to marinate in the urine and rodent pellets
The chunks are reviewed occasionally dusted-off if time is available
But repeatedly reinserted into the shivering carcasses, 

Unless the damage is of a permanent irreparable variety
The kind done by eighth-grade girls to a boy on a dance floor
Or the mocking of comrades taking sides over a summer
Where one is no longer a child for which Santa applied, but is now  

In the population of marijuana, runaways, and capable of comprehending
The difference between rape and love
The segmentation comes in an alcove where parents often clamp eyelids
To assume discussions are handled outside the auspicious of direct vision  

So it is, the darkness latches to the lightness
The two become thrust and parry fencing twins
Assigned for the marathon of naked combat 

Some see the brothers or sisters battling behind the faces of our siblings
Aware of the night inking into the day
Others oblivious or ignoring consciously the infinitude of melees
Sunrise, charcoal-midnight painted and repainted  

Delicious poison, impaled liver, transplant kidney
Metabolize the sugar in the sin; we are each stitched rag-dolls
Mending and shredding ourselves passing corridors, regretting short-cuts
Knowing the beautiful-ugly in an opportunity to exhale and inhale deeply  

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