Friday, December 14, 2012



There is no logic in most death, no why to put under the pillow
The possibility floats around us like all the air that is not oxygen
Intake the inverse; we inhale what cannot translate into continuation

We process systematically.  The monster is dead. 
Randomness is confined into a narrative that can fit into a coffin of memory
This can happen.  This cannot happen. 
This happens in Gaza.  This happens in Connecticut.

This is an organism that interprets death like a grocery list
I choose to purchase only these items in my cart
Somehow the anomaly is bagged, taken home and regrets ensue
The poison is in the wine

Antidotes are searched for in the cupboards
Nutritional labels and recipes are re-read
Yet somehow on this day the system has a hole
So we gape at it with frazzled awe attempting to fill the void

With enough talk so that the wound becomes cauterized by the gawk-caulk
It is the same reason that we slow on the interstate to stare at a wrecked vehicle
Another not-us commuter, passing, making lists that were interrupted
Never to be filled with the composition of bagged items that morning intended

Childhood ended abruptly for elementary school survivors in a conversation
To recognize the sentiment that will sit on the ledge of their brain
Every day in perpetuity as they return to that building, that classroom
Left without time to grab a coat; or in turn ended with never breathing outside again

The pantomime of trying to fit blame in a value-meal-sized drive-through bag will vomit
Profusely for weeks like a gagging parent watching his kindergartener eat lunch
Knowing her arms and height cannot logistically perform the Heimlich maneuver on an adult

Father tries to talk to her, but nothing feels appropriate to emit, 
A daughter can not help her daddy rekindle her illusion of a simple world
Because he knows there is nothing anyone can do 
A law, a fence, a prison, a drug: each are fallow pesticides
So he gawks and she grows up to gawk and stare at mangled automobiles on roadsides
Somewhere introversion is being blamed for all this madness

Someone brings up God, someone brings up the Second Amendment
Someone says shut the fuck up, someone says let me think about it for a minute
And the roux just keeps thickening and some kid in Gaza asks who paid for the bomb
That killed my dad, That killed my sister, That leveled my school

And I watch, I gawk in silence over in my hole
Knowing if this random image of a shooter who mauled down five-year-olds
Turns out to hold a different skin tone or religion, then the one of most of the people in the Connecticut parking lot then that shit would magically turn into an international incident

Humans would start searching for answers about the fucked-up mind
Of some count of free-willed humans and that is how America ends up
In Iraq and Afghanistan breeding children who grow up to think like we do

And all of that is because we stare at wrecked bodies with crushed trunks and torsos 
News reels parade for Viagra ad-spots pimping apple-faced still-photographs
Castigate machine-gun Jokers who just want to watch the world burn
Outline a psychiatric profile to make the acid more palatable
Try to make sense of violence against the peaceful and violence against the violent
Revenge bullets spray like sperm breeding vengeance in the sons of the deceased
All because somebody needs a box, a damn coffin to bury the fearful part of ourselves

That screams out onto the ledge of our minds when we walk into our version of the classroom
The next day back at school that we are okay now, we have a reason inscribed
That this shit will never happen again, not here, not to us, because we figured out what caused it
That thought is what launches white-flight to suburban American communities

To run away from poverty and crime and the exponential randomness of the drug war
Confirmed the monster is dead, don’t be touching me now, terrorists are vanquished
Understand understanding is a progression based in consciousness
Potential evil that is feared breathes in each of us too

The carbon dioxide emitted occurs as a mandatory subcomponent of our continuation
To stop the out is to end the in, if one narrows fear to an illusion of compromise, then
We exchange consciousness for abdication of possibility

So that when an anomaly outside the spectrum of what is deemed acceptable
Intersects with our normality we explode into a panic to expel the cancer into a void
Which we do not consider to include ourselves, yet it does

The universe that propels a man to walk into a school and point a gun at a kid 
Writing a list on looseleaf in crayon includes each of us; 

It does so, so that we do not extract the choices 
We make by abdication to a collective; we must internalize inherent free-will
And own it in black and white; that we each choose

That is the end of all rabble-rabble, the end of gawk,
The end of staring at mashed pick-up trucks on highways
The end is the choice; that is it, no reason, only choice

And that father still knows, there is not a damn thing he can do

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