Thursday, December 6, 2012

Apocalypse Rant

Apocalypse Rant 

The great silence, the maniacal jester of acceptance
Even when offered the bargain is an illusion
The year is ending, let it end, let us no longer pretend
The war is not occurring, the destruction is not eminent 

(I see) death and I have already shaken hands
Let lose the politeness of mannered smiles
In recognition of the grand arrangement  

The Argonauts and the sea-going wayfarers of yester year
Have plotted the coordinates of such astral confluence to this point now
Harbingers crow at us with dusty larynxes  

(I embrace) this version of demise with flush cheeks
To sense the Fire upon my skin as we choose to burn
Humanity to cinders for this absolutism 

Perdition be not there; it be here
This is an illusion we taught ourselves to conceptualize what we are not

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