Monday, December 24, 2012

Life Lessons from the Water Closet

Life Lessons from the Water Closet 

Life can be summed up in many analogies
Here is one that for this day I think befits man best 

Which type of person are you? 

Say you are employed by a small company as a standard worker,
Not owner, but paid wage per hour
There is no janitor or ordained employee dubbed with the task
Of replacing the toilet paper on the roll  

You are aware of a supply closet on the other side of the office
Also somewhere in your consciousness of the bathroom is a smaller cabinet
Underneath the sink which sporadically holds one or two rolls
Dispensed from the greater number from the closet 

When you have fully dispensed the roll in the holder,
Do you view the sub-inventory beneath the sink?
Do you implicate yourself with a mandate of culpability?
What if the bathroom’s held storage is depleted,
Do you venture to the storage closet?
Do you replace not only the roll, but to a greater share
ensure the sink’s reserve is also filled? 

These are the questions of our times,
If in this scenario is in one’s home, one can find a self-indulgent satisfaction
With a portion of generosity mitigated by the likelihood that the anus unable to be wiped in the next iteration of fecal excretion absent of toilet paper is one’s own or one’s genetic progeny is that bit much higher than in an example existing in the public  

So I ask you sir, as Bukowski said, “Even the most horrible human being deserves to wipe his own ass,” what type of person are you?   

How many dispensaries of injustice to you see about the populace that you hold yourself culpable as you take from the till to meet your own needs?  How many depleted rolls do you cast yourself independent and justify your ambivalence? 

This to me on this day dabbles quite aptly with the existential and the pragmatic that I think even a child of say seven could understand.

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