Thursday, December 6, 2012

On the road to Baton Rouge

On the road to Baton Rouge 

Yesterday I was driving along interstate twelve in Livingston Parish, Louisiana
One mile east of the Port Vincent exit
I was on my way into Ignatius Reilly's darkness and
The antithesis of Garth Brooks’ suggestions, Baton Rouge 

I was called there for training on the potential financial fraudulent activities
In our nation’s general accountancy by some retired Baby Boomer
Moonlighting in continuing professional education who openly admitted to his poor skills in Excel always required the assistance of others 

For those outside the accounting profession, this is like a contractor claiming to be unable to hammer a nail or a doctor unable to use a syringe; it is a fundamental disconnection from practical application of reality into one's professed competences 

So it is into this valley of tigers that I trespass an American billboard
“Satan is Barack Obama.” I believe Luke is quoted verse and chapter
Bold in red and black our elected president is cast as the embodiment of evil
Open for any citizen of visiting alien to translate however he or she may deem fitting 

I wonder to myself, assuming I am not alone
Has any president been afforded such funded slanderous free speech
In a regard I was proud of my country; that such a statement could go by unnoticed
No riots or fires, although this is Livingston Parish; klan country roots run deep there 

In another respect, I saw the Bible reference and smelled the rank of religion
The perfidious arrogance to stand in war of angels, demons, and prophecies
I am sure Godzilla, Zeus and Jabba the Hutt are laughing somewhere
Just as much as Luke was wielding a light sword and speaking of Barack 

So go and see it if you like, I did not have time to salute it with my middle finger
Maybe you might now that you have warning of its existence or maybe
You took it seriously or believe in such tomes of revelations
Either way, I am glad America does not over react to whackos

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