Monday, December 17, 2012

Agnostic Deism Anonymous (An A.D. December meeting commentary recap)

Agnostic Deism Anonymous (An A.D. December meeting commentary recap)  

I do not believe in Jesus or any of the super friends
That gets easier and easier to say every day
A boy can only wait at carpool for so long
Before he grows to abdicate the necessity for a parent  

To converse in basic conversation
To arrive at any standard destination
The legs must pace, that there is a road
Beyond the indolence of grace 

Nights up asking, thanking, praising, abstaining
From the evils of the farmer’s crop, eating only what not
Be banned to avoid the damn; script the law into a meandered definition
Spin the tale on a barn-blood loom 

Sex is drained in a cold bedroom adulterous high noon
Rising bodies flogged and charcoal sky
I am not angry at Jesus at all; dude is just caught up in a shell game 

I imagine he would be more upset with humanity’s campaign to misguide his memory than we could possibly imagine.  I would like to think that the guy was a nice preacher of sorts on the benefits of interdependence.  He saw the terrors of fiscal systems founded in gold.  He tried.  Shit got out of hand.  

But to paraphrase Hitchens, “We are all atheists.  We do not believe in Rah or Odin.  We just have to keep going.” 

I see Christmas like the ultimate in hypocritical behavior
The first priest to stand up and say, “Do not buy presents for your children
End Santa Claus.  Only give to the truly poor.  Also I forbid you to take a tax deduction to finance this religion.  If you truly believed in this faith, you would not do so out of monetary advantage, but of true faith.”  

This would be a religious statement shedding itself of the rancorous monopoly-on-salvation hypocrisy that Jesus must abhor by the definitions of the very book that purports to document the historical foundations of a tribe bannering his name.  

So it is in the opinion of this agnostic deist that none of that building or pulpit or even worship are necessary.  The only requirement is the free-giving of a heart to another heart monetary or human.  The recognition of interdependence independent of faith is paramount.  So it is the concept of what man has labeled Jesus or any character to represent divides rather than includes.  

So it is permissible to hold on to the goodness and exit the building. 
We are all here waiting to shake hands, breathe deeply and love with the free-will and minds our humanity promises. 

It is not even a battle or argument; exclusivity on salvation is a false pursuit
A goose chase of ideology over minutia myopic to the internal consciousness such claims to seek, yet binds on ever potential avenue for openness to alternatives 

Victory is only relevant in the present cascading consciousness of the how
The whys and whats attach like parasites of atrophied muscle or worse
Like the tendons of a calf farmed for veal, absent light and space to roam

The inhalation the false superiorities, the compliant coo of resolution
Human minds accepting any answer over none pacified into contingent behavior
Viler than the simpler internal search to see a fingerprint unique for man
On a definition of the first four dimensions of height, width, length, and time  

Faith and compliancy are the counterweights to anarchy
The perils of free will sit vigil like wolves at the dinner table
Next to our daughters growling at our uteruses and testicles with malice
Knowing without the salt shaker, wood, or perpendicular lines above our doorway 

Over our shoulders, hands knocking, and blessing passing
Would cause such abrupt decay
So in this meeting, I again rebuke the customs of Zeus, renounce the books
The asp-haired villains of old to cuddle in the blankets of time  

Happy what is under this garment and at peace with what could never be swaddling in its folds, to touch, to hold, and to defy the very definitions apparent to those with three minutes of bravery

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