Sunday, December 23, 2012



I miss you sometimes, I do
The thought of you crosses; I find myself staring into a speck of paint
Penetrating into the color fading past light into what is capable of being touched
With fingers, seen with eyes and then imagined in my mind 

The sensations meld with clarity of distance
That know you are away and then here, perpetually here
In these waves phasing into whispers of debate  

As the memories confound like traffic accidents that a vehicle may slow
Even though the road is not blocked and a safe, yet moderate distance
Is kept between ones vehicle and the car in front as not to extend
The time it takes that as that traveler imbibes the seconds to stare  

One does not; one does not look with the indulgence of recollection
For the visceral magnet of what may be had could be all the more damaging
So my views are into the piercing motion of non-motion
The dynamic compromise of wanting to hold desire  

In palpation of artery and return in vein; the fluid it winds its way
To miss you sometimes, I do  

This road it keeps me yoked as a tandem ox severed, choking on occasion
That you are neither the mammal absent in this device, nor its creator
My throat it constricts sideways pulling always to the left  

As bed sheets lay and my body insists on sleeping on the same side
Despite the open room, the vacancy is engulfing at times
I miss you sometimes, I do  

The looks, the wonder are all asking me tonight
If at any point I ever had permission for you to want me to apply the ache
Of loneliness and such simplistic vaccines, even if the inoculant was seasonal
Knowing influenza abounds each solstice with a repugnant comeuppance  

I take umbrage that the damage of want is corrosive  
As in this I simply revel in the cushion of want for a chest to assert
That neither of us suffers in this carnival of fields to plow
Knowing we will return to the yoke, but in this we have but in a moment found balance

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