Thursday, December 6, 2012

Disaggregation Damnation

Disaggregation Damnation 

Have you ever tried to solve a puzzle without all the pieces?
The issues scattered into confined pools, vats of humans, issues
Wallowing like bastard children and gilded diapers of redolent feces
The solution is in the synthesis  

Compartmentalized democracy into who gets who elected
Ignoring the forty-nine percent ignores the ninety-eight percent
The two that matters depending on the day influencing who speaks and who stays 

The numbers, the accounting, scattered solutions of a million classrooms
Segmenting students into triads and huddled masses of experimenting on
Nonsymmetrical befuddlements of the same conundrum  

What assets, what voices, what of this digital technology
For a common a tower of babble, speak not, only yelling
Louder and louder the American dream is screaming over a contemplative whisper 

Put us into a known bath, the issues exclude the realities
Of this muted war on poverty, this cancerous drug war propagating violence and catastrophe in cascading self-induced tumors of macro-economic ignorance 

To plop us into millions of replicated lavatories is to bind us blind, deaf, and dumb
Pounding prison-vined cells, fists against walls, mouths motioning in gapping orifices
Yet no sound emitting, no sound entering  

Letting the skin rot, decay in street corners, equities rest in trust accounts for descendants piled up in vaults, to allow the farmer to find faith in the zombie apocalypse, the wooden cross of righteous tax-deductible menaces to misguide us into silent wormholes  

We will never sense again; stone cardiac resuscitation impossible
Love dead on the canvas, clobbered by disaggregated damnation   

How else do you solve such puzzles but by putting all the pieces on the table?
Pile the parts with a straight edge in one group, the all-curves in other
Build the border including the interconnection that without all of this
None is possible but a weakened interdependent entity sacrificing its own stability for the self-satisfaction of islands of prosperity and perdition

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