Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Financial Advice to Generation X

Financial Advice to Generation X 

I warn you Generation X’er that stocks are vile lottery tickets!
The hive beckons to lay wager at the seat of the incestuous mountain top
Dog pile one onto one, until units become legions
Armies upon armies with elbows wiggling, knees gyrating for position 

The financial rigmarole has become incestuous as commerce
Has become of a common genial line with the arranged marriages
Of brothers to sisters to mothers to sons,
There is no passable exit from this vomitorium!  

Without the rancorous grasp of pedophilia and beguiling courtship
To partake in the craven, wanton ritual of fantastical profiteering!
One must be superior inserting into the bowels of another
A wrenching thrust of conquest that one canine has asserted his dominance 

In the wasteland apocalyptica, pennies are added to share price
For the exchange of excrement oozing down the crevasse
Cold barren and icy, the glacier of frost preserving our planet is melting! 

The accumulation of wealth into the stomachs of the Great Danes
Is billowing the furnace of consolidation into a monotonous opera
Of single note Valkyries humming Wagner’s nightmares
In a low banal cream of normality straight-lipped and hypnotic  

The basement is full of General Videla’s Argentine auction
Of the progeny of raped private prisoners funded by ambivalence
The horror masquerades as doing business 

So in, we vote with our dollars, our purchases and our outcasts
Those who we banish for daring to lay claim to reason or science
Or any of the grand threats to the fanatical tyrannies of the exchange or the altar 

When you vote only buy their debts due prior to 2020, tax them back every opportunity
For to barter their equity is to join ranks, be their despot claim holder
Pull rank over vile contracts of the lottery, do not hand them a discounted loan
For a promise they will never dare fulfill in your lifetime  

For the calling time is coming in less than a decade from now
The equity of the Western world will be gobbled by two primary groups
In a power shift to change the century to come
As the Boomers retire and forced to sell their shares to live  

The rising middle-class masses of South America, Asia, and Africa and
The Generation Xers of North America, Australia and Europe will unite!
The crucible of the dollar will be at the turn of the tide, the moon high
The crag jagged for the climb up-ended into a domino dissension

Into the madness of recompense, the troth of the unending CAFO lot
Will be spilt for the pilferers to syphon among the feces of the dying
Being herded off to the slaughter house

And in the combustion of the commotion is a bellowing cry of
Sell! Sell! Sell! The medicine is due, the sickly, the deranged mummies of Medicare
Are calling for an allotment of Wal-Mart and GMAC to sack the dog pile 

For the consequences of the present come due!
Who was once stepped on must be ready to rise
So if you buy in now and hold you only change your mask
As all the great century profiteers of history, if you are to make assumptions  

Make this, the mountain is set to explode by 2020, the quake in 2008
Will be but a tremor, a pre shake to the S&P500’s expiration date
For the wrinkled to be pruned in a sun bath of endowed marriage
To a lich of historical despair,  

Woody Guthrie turned mute will cry out to the boxcar men and women
Approaching nursing homes and this nation invested outside the
Digital and biotechnologies to address this foul fire-sale
Will perish in an excoriating rebuke to the foundation  

Of such kingdoms of assurances that, what was purchased will be in ascent,
When I beg nostrils to be dilated to detect the rank of statistical probabilities
Approaching like the call of a bartender shelving the ale! 

Be not started as the drunkards stubble to the street!
Be alert and conscious to pick their pockets, as they have pilfered yours
In the debts our nation has accumulated to assure your inheritance was dispensed
In the very coffers we seek to reclaim! 

Foundations of economy are stolen in such regard
It is the unspoken evils of decade upon decade
That one’s destitution is another’s prosperity
How else could such mountains be built? 

Oh, such pandemic ruin; there is no glee in the opulence of greed
Teetering on pilings of pandemonium, the witching hour is whispering!

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