Friday, December 7, 2012

Race to the Bottom of the Trough

Race to the Bottom of the Trough 

How is it possible to grow a pound of beef for less than a pound of broccoli?
Answer, it is not
Fifty years ankle deep in manure all day long, caked with shit
Thousand animals an hour sluiced drip, drip, 

E coli with the diesel in the beef spread to the runoff
Inspections down, pathogens Vonnegut’s consolidated thirteen slaughterhouses
Regulatory agencies controlled by Cargill, Tyson, Monsanto
Cut funding to FDA, EPA, demonize the bureaucrat back-pocket former lobbyist
Self-policing, ignorant to the definition of business ethics

Blood in the diarrhea, culture stool-eating grin
Microbial testing, shut-down the plant laugh gorge, No Authority
People descent Profit ascent
No one patient to do math; to see the corrosion on the outer rim of the hourglass 

Monitoring like asking Atlas to hold an extra grain of sand
Oh the costs, who wants a lower gross margin, efficiency absolute
Science bow to my machines, safety is a perception of chemicals
Soak the muscle in ammonia to assassinate the bacterium for a kindergartner 

Mechanical farm hands, pink-paste in a grinder
Technology trumps the notion of a dollar give-a-fuck menu
No planning, no-fucks to give, pockets empty, not one to offer
No standing skewed system to the malicious delicious calories
Subsidized, level the playing field, the definition of corporate welfare 

Is the perpetuation of childhood obesity through engineered
Salt, fat, and sugar-refined carbohydrates spikes in insulin
Metabolize sugar washing us in shaking diabetic blindness 

The illusion of the dollar menu
Health cost, environmental, human fragility to mono-food
How do we meet the need without compromising the product?
Wal-Mart is the definition of the race to the bottom 

An experiment gone omni-store solution in a city-block of merchandised smiles
I will give you a plump chicken breast from a bird that could not stand
At a price on a sticker that preaches to the convinced two divergent sermons 

Sue me Monsanto over owning the God seed
It is cheaper to pay the fine than to try to fight it
Scare the sheep, a million to go to trial, pile the cash on the scales 

Eating healthy only costs more money because of the policy level illusions
The only victory is possible through nutrition density legislation
To internalize the discussion of macro-level health into the discussion of food
Taxpayers pay for the soybean subsidy and the diabetic’s food amputation 

If one misguides the illusion of individual freedom’s then at least take away the farm bill end of the equation, overturn genetic ownership of seed, let the patent expire, like some war for a generic drug to cure erectile dysfunction, a problem created by default
What I put in my mouth should not be manipulated by a legal team, yet it is 

The free market is bought and sold before the price sticker is ever applied
Before I ever am able to walk in the store my stomach has been auctioned off
In a board room then a court room, then a tax bill, then a land fill 

Picture your child’s face in the drive through lane and I ask for rebellion
Never go again
Pledge with me, simple decision, cancel the journey of this expedition
Reduce the rest, compromise at times for balance, but

Fight the insanity with your wallet

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