Monday, December 10, 2012

Time in February

Time in February 

Sometimes I feel like I have lived sixty years in thirty
As if every second is duplicated, inflated in the fourth dimension
Bulging forward in sludge-steps of girth  

Pushing out the air of lightness that was in normal estimation
Intended to be intermixed among the expedition
Traversing this country-side with great expectations  

A harmonica and harp-type felicity dancing or humming
Or whatever form of skipping lovers use to transport
Bodies amongst chandeliers and aerial maneuvers    

The inflation, the sugar sweetness of space elevates
Visions of an afternoon in Paris as decadence rather than nightmare
Anchoring prospects of age to a clog of lead pins forged into the femur 

Asking legs to be that bit heavier melded with the minutes
Like an epoxy of sluggishness pasting time to the follicles
Tacked into the bone to portray the memory of such times  

To read out on the scale in duality of what was and what was absent
The absence has its own weight
The couple-hood is like a lake in summer prompting children to frolic  

Yet in winter the berg does form into the crevices of memory
Crystalized and cumbersome to hold in body
Dangerous in choices of limbs capable of treading in circular form  

Legs scissor-motioning through the undulating tide to keep head afloat
The isolation forms the ridge of liquid into solid
Face numb, appendages motionless  

Peering out through the depths of shackle ankles
Seeing the clock pile on hour after hour
The air to breathe is passing the threshold of frost  

Frozen-blood weighs twice as much
So it is, the call to become younger now then what one was
Is to breathe in the warming air of hilltops, gaze into the sun  

That invigorates the wren to search for twig to form nest
Despite the cavalry charge of February winds
The throttle of age is but a lever of the mind

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