Monday, December 3, 2012

A conversation from the farmer and to the farmhand

A conversation from the farmer and to the farmhand 

Eventually son you will find yourself half decent at some task that others will find it benefits them to pay you money to perform.  One day you might actually start to break even, pay down your debts, and have a little play money.  You will perform this task repetitively, week after week, month after month.  They will continue to pay you.  Maybe a tad bit more given time.   

Eventually you will find yourself face to face with boredom, seconded only by complacency.  You have this task, a handle on your manhood you can wield to provide for others.  They may even grow to appreciate you for this work.  In the shadow of another day’s iteration, you will ask why this; why not something else?  

That question is your own recognition that you are failing to grow.  The plant is stunted, yet matured to a height of acceptable standard, bearing crop and nourishing the farm.  It is at the intersection of this dilemma where you will either button your face back to the shovel or slam the spade to the Earth with a mixture of pride and disgust.  You will revoke allegiance to the definition of a man to his single labor and carve a fresh career from this soil or the next.   

This rebuke will fertilize your future endeavor to be a man in full, season after season knowing that life means to grow.

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