Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Calendar Syndication

Shift the season of the digits on the calendar
Laugh at time as the rotation pantomimes to crawl a ladder
Year and month, warmth and cold, remembrance
For births and deaths and just how old  

One has come is not representative of the toll
The lines and signs, the “It will be better next times”
See the scale and bribe the ales to make a difference
In the morn, waking at staring at the same sun  

Given fireball to cure the insomnia of latent consequence
Make believe the life of box cars is not bumping one coast
To the other back around and boomerang, going nowhere
But the same states, matters not when the engineer applies the breaks  

Horn that whistle! Blow that Jericho Blow!
Heard the shaking city and still the walls they hold
Prison or a bastion, definition by the faction
Of the days molded by the weather  

I missed the postal drop,”three-thousand five-hundred miles away”
“What would you change if you could?”
December or February, spelunking dead canaries
Four years ago and so and so the seasons never roll

“Been a Long December,” but I guess you know
See it on the faces of a nation bumping bureaucrats
Billionaire bank accounts and fast-food Honey-boo-boo nation
Apathy like snowfall, burnt eyes and internet polls  

Numb, numb, numb, bang the drum!
Stick my brain inside the oil and let the fear run
Given in to the slick; coat the coast and use the oblongata like a dipstick
Measure the treasure of what is in a man to last; escalating urge to stand  

Get up and walk out; call it a ten-run rule
Who wants to be part, a place to go, want out to see more perdition?
Seems a fool’s errand as this is a damned permission
For a sundress to utter yes in retort to start the day without the curse  

Whistle blows on the train, hitchhiking and no Woody Guthrie to be found.

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