Monday, December 24, 2012

Scent of the End Times

Life, the days to keep us breathing
Count of pages unknown, all in books with a finite number
One to flip the page and find not another  

Hours on Earth, keep slipping towards the sand
Proof the tide casts off and subsides
Laps the water over a throat with no more words to emote
To say, we only get so many before the bin is full  

The syllables ring like paradise and perdition
Stranded in the division of what I would say
If I was running low and knew today  

What comes of this love, these mistakes undone
Not of this place for long, I starve for faith
In any face and think to myself 

If I had but so few minutes in my allotment
I would run to you; I would find your name like a beacon
Hold you close and say nothing but the ending  

Of what I have to give to this world
Was given to you;
So in this I secretly smile so bitter sweet the fall 

I offer you me this pebble pond of incomplete
All the moments I thought of you when you were nowhere around
So many hours the only scent that made me smile
Without nostrils the redolent pheromones kept me while  

We have been apart and if
This period to the sentence were to come
I wish for you to know I am thinking of you

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