Monday, July 21, 2014


Uncertainty like vanilla lacquer pasting the plate
Lick it up son
Gag on the coat
So that approaching any decision

Feels forced to assuage time’s demand
That action occur
Where any amongst the smorgasbord is an equal toast
Proclaiming a milky nonsense identity

Years stacking like rotations of the garbage can rolled to the curb
Filled, dumped, returned, repeat
The refuse of food, feces, and drained receptacles
Glob the pipes funneling resources

Attempting to diagnosis
Where to go from here
Wanting an option to distinguish itself
As a viable offering

Then if there were even one to do so
The direction to claim would solidify
At least as much as the deteriorating papers
Washed in the hurricane ink smears

A man is left to hold a slew of drenched dust into powdered sludge
Lambasting his heart into a callow silence
He is unprepared to accept
Paralyzed believing he knows what he wants

But doubts it exists and if it does will ever intersect his path  

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