Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dangling Participle

Peering through the darkness on the edge
For the mouth of the crocodile in the murk
Closing eyes imagining the painted dancer
With rose petal softness investing

Depth like threads in prismatic dress bleeding
Streaks of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
In wavelengths time shared in sequence that would seem out of order
Except to the ones staring so close to keep eye contact

The motions of the way humans configure puzzles
In pieces of common task arranged in the order life
Organizes the discretion of bombarding atoms
Left to the chance of sight, thought, touch, sound

Tasting the memories of the almost forgotten
In the waft of a flower presented like stardust
Brushed from the shoulder of a jacket to become immortal
Like a promise or a declarative assertion of magnetism

That emboldens men to character
One ponders such in the folds of her colors
That maybe this is what I was molded like the jigsaw’s humor
To entwine so that intelligence, artistic rebellion, pain, and contemplation

Molded a barefoot warrior love to grow like a seed
The way she stares at me listing
Cogs churning in the subtle cells
Thinking that if a creative writer accountant can exist

So can a woman invested in the mind of artistic psychology
Photographs, musicianship, blues to the soul of a dancer
Flirtatious in control owning her body to terms she dictates
Reading the libraries in voracious hunger

So that participation in the world could be a feminine uprising
Contained in the patient warrior of a silent look listening
From the corner of a wall evaluating, drinking the awareness
Of who I am, as me, as man, as soul for wherever this may go

That in this slight inequity of height there is only measurement
Of is this whole capable of being the whole to either end of this spectrum

In time dancing like a dangling participle in wait for its proper place 

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