Friday, July 4, 2014

The Definition of Vulnerability

Here you go hold this for me
The heart I have poured and stitched and left
Every semblance of myself

It is yours to carry for this marriage
So in I do this for you

Every morn we choose
What we will with this complement

To invest respect for this contract of contact
Knowing the definition of vulnerability

Home in the balance that one could choose
To simply leave the contents on the counter

And disappear
For the other to return attempting to hold both

Still yearning for the betterment of the absent
In the mathematics of love, that this was never addition
Wherein the choice of one and one made logic
This was one and one make three

So in the interim of facing the negation of one
The sum still exists gasping for air under the nursing of the remainder
Knowing not what cessation implies

For a heart does what it must, not what it is compelled
For if by legality alone it could not be love nor vulnerable to such complications

So dance the human dance, subtly aware of what may fall
This gift of risk is but the tendered currency of the mad lovers born in exploding suns

We are but this posing and lifting in the grand ballet

Oh happy many yee brave dancers, applause to all!

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