Saturday, July 12, 2014

Illuminating Pockets

So see to say as if I knew anyway
That every path is blocked by this
To make it clear as can be
That this is the road to proceed

Faith and birth, and common Earth
That the other is ended dead, stopped and led
To this alternative burgeoning
In the light permeating dawn

Like a whisper of a finger peeling the sky
To reveal slips of golden yellow abolishing the blackness
Putting pieces together of how
These whirling cogs of brothers and buds grew

The possibility for this now and why not then
To learn the reciprocal for the explanation
Of what is not to judge but to let in
The person not the checklist

The lighting in the timing of what each can see
Beyond the horizon, illuminating pockets of why was that
Pockets of the past blooming in the now
Flowering a future to reflect when choices may be made

To confirm what one thought was wanted
Versus what ended up coming
The true lessons of God
Sinking in the silent sod

Seeds, rain and dirt
Honesty, choices and hurt
What we thought was best, was true at the time into
What we never knew

Beyond a single human perspective tinted by senses
So to say, maybe it just had to be

This way 

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