Friday, July 4, 2014

Celestial Fire

Fire crack and split the sky tonight
The tremors of light ignite the catacombs of old places to hide
The temperature to shift grapes into decadence souring
If not attended to with the gift of purpose

That is consumption, resolution, testaments to balancing acts
Teetering in the nights every soul screams at God
In the grandest arrogance
As if autonomy were possible to foster a platform for pride

The scrapped books on the carpet, the Blue Dalton China in the cabinet
The rocks sold on Craig’s list handed over in a parking lot
The vomit in the others and the unknown way of wanting the contents of dumpsters
The painted hues of pinks or blues and rainbow stools

To reimagine the rides and times of saying what was on our minds
To look at Lake Pontchartrain and speak into the waves
To cross the space and find a home from out the maze
Swaying in the casual silence of fireworks glaring above the bridge

All the colors missed counted what matters in the mist
Fire crack and split the sky tonight
Bullets falling, houses burning, children laughing the sparklers swirl
The seconds to a state away a beach and the sands blowing into the coast

Center in the orb of soul elevating out the moat in a yoga
Body trembling and at peace in the pose
Forget the traffic signals and the chatter of the matters over-pouring the dose
Of what makes a man complete

The static signals and the meat
The breaking bodies bending on penitent knee
Holding breath for God and finding how in the release
Vault in an emotion you tell yourself you need to be

The moment changes in the shadows shift as the cinders streak
In the night’s hazing lights of men of Earth shooting lighting from the ground
Brother, sister I see you for who you are
The show, the costumes, the rounds, nothing but a congress bickering over proper nouns

The base, the root, the goal, it’s just the name on the road
All the same home
With that light streaking across the sky breathing out
Like an ocean to return not concerned with the plan

Only how I respond 

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