Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Choosing Rocks

Pebbles falling through holes in pockets
Trickling like breadcrumbs for others to find others
Circuitous timing in a mirror of blinding coincidence
To see God like faith could be inhaled as a replacement for oxygen

In the second way we are alive in the paradigm beyond facts
Definitive application or riders saddled to mustangs
The bellow of hooves parading the Earth sequestered into the quiet
Whispers of this is how it had to be

For this convergence in the theater of the tragic and the comedic
Like a pinball ricochet of names bombarding the palisades
To walk into New Orleans after lapping the coasts in tiers of thought
This is like a plane landing home after wars and mediation

The passengers smiling at each other as if the stepping stones
Finally made sense in the mirror of blue eyes cresting
Wondering how complication could simplify in the artistry of wine and bourbon
The tendrils of unique never had to be hurdles but magnets

In that what repelled the masses to foster the openness
Attracts the language of desire wishing for the darkness on the edge
To light a fire like an orange sunset smiling over the Pacific
Fortune tellers and God playing paddy cake for orphans

These rocks all over the ground and all a man and a woman had to do

Was take the time to speak in the moment of God’s choosing

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