Monday, July 21, 2014

Seaside Tango

Seaside shore-rocks crustaceans scaling the famished coral
Executed by the scorch sun tide clawing skyline from liquid partition
I am squatting with knees pointed at shelf-clouds
Buttocks fashioned to dead cities of microorganism condominiums

Staring at waves undulating like a typewriter ribbon
Regurgitating copy of a library stack after stack
Fresh catch is stale herring bone dry and masked in departed maggots
Skeleton whimpering like the third generation after a war

Never seen those battlefields, but the busted-bottle buildings
The cascading cluster-fuck commerce, the devilish dogma makes the alliteration comical
Like the hangnails of a past stripping regrowth like salted Earth
Wanting the ocean to swallow back the evidence

The bastard stars melt the cover to wash away leaving the stragglers naked  
Wandering in vagabond paw-print echoes waltzing to pogrom song books
As to why us, the explanation like a surgeon general’s printed warn-box
The massacred blackened lungs and polyp cancer livers

Cackling in the fallout of nuclear half-lives
As I watch from this perch
The cellular decay parades like a foundation for positioning
Of the sun to set in the West

Night, sweet charcoal midnight
Merging the sea and the shore like a dance floor of common footing
Oh, the fires that ruin such perfection!

I almost got up and thought to take up the tango, maybe next time. 

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