Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Kiln

I do not write these things to enliven the past
I write these things to set the past in a chest
Like a portrait or a trunk or a glass vault
The vessel is always permeable to the senses

The oblivion of forget so sought after by the opium denizens
And bourbon dunk tankers sailing the pirate commerce currents
Those charcoal waters are not navigable  
No matter the darkness the image resurfaces

Therein I write
I write to shackle the butterflies and krakens to pens of simile
So that the reality will fracture into metaphor and syntax
For the emotions to make easier to grasp hot out the kiln

The sentiments intense in recollection’s stained glass
Others may see the translucent panes swept to the refuse heap
Others the mirror in buried yards
The color show it never goes but into a story

Once written I have granted myself permission to not remember
For I know I do not have to cage the bird
For if I must see the feathers fly I can go to the pages
Resting in digital notebooks scribed

That time is like a capsule extracted from the mind
The explanation of why, psyche is cached
Dulled into the mirage of poetry and December’s transpose with July’s

So that I can be rowing on and on 

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