Monday, July 21, 2014

To the Leap

There are tales waiting in scripts
Whatever there was, there is this
Like trampolines or cobbled stone
Bounce or flatten

This is the wrestling theater
Converging love and fear to be the bold
The dangling sensation of flowers and costume
The wise flight of the owl by night

The sense of the girl flowing to the grass
Borrowed boots and time to ask
Will I in time be able to let go of control to you?
For she holds onto the stick-shift motioning with the curves

Something skewed the tracks or so it may appear
I do not know and assumption is a cell mate of Renfield’s lunacy
Storing flies, to spiders in a collection of distraction
Therein I will pause such contemplation

Into a pool of patient discovery leaning
Of marriages, loves, adventures, siblings, patterns and means
That there are no immaculate heroines or gun slinger bandits
Only stargazers making a mark before the return

Atomic dust and the cautious and hasty fires of suns
I am me; let thy be
Whoever thou are; I will dance
This shall be as it is

The illusion is to state paradise premature
Love in the chemicals doused, time to bathe
Opportunities colliding, enter so and parry as you wish

I am coming to the leap!

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