Monday, July 21, 2014

The Numerator of Potential

I am not so arrogant to believe I know
Of potential possibilities, I account such as one
That the interconnection of God through these transpiring strings
Is but the current formation of that beyond human comprehension

In a confluence of free will molded from what is always present
Independent of acknowledgment
So that like a staircase or path of steeping stones over a gushing river
These events were integral to the unfolding of now

Whether now had to present itself in this combination of colors
Is irrelevant as a function of the mandatory,
But like a font of reverberating purpose one can sense the amplification
Of the universe through the self or the hindered whimper

Of a condensed focus upon the self, hardening the tributaries
So that the magnitude of what could be as life coalesces
Is grossly divided by a proliferating denominator
As we fail to act as one

The numerator of the potential universe is reduced
So in a man can only be judged by his choices
The height of his stature, girth of breast meat, hirsute jawline
Prowess in sporting clansman ritual are but societal proving grounds for replication

Nary is a referendum to enliven the spark of God able to kindle in such kilns
Oh the positioning and posturing of status updates reflecting in pub chats
For full lips, high-circumference nipples and eyes to a symmetrical hour glass
These are but the genetic yearnings offering few options for differentiation

The true petri platter is volition in the loves and fears of exquisite tattoos
Gauging promise in irrevocable decisions chiseling character from mud
Learned, flawed, reconciled, and stalwart
The gospels of camp fires and web sites humanized into love’s hindsight

I let you go to be what you will, never knowing for sure
How I failed or you more simply chose
These cardboard boxes, stop signs, and unrequited posts
I see what I can elect, away, meditating in the possible

Praying for a solid bridge

That this feels better than any of you ever did 

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