Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sailing with Captain Tom

The spectral ghost of Tom Waits hazes in the smoking bar light
Garbled haggard emphysema petri dish to the sidewalk gawkers
Who see the mist like a mannequin in a street window
Busing in some garbage for hipsters to ogle

Time for Wonderland and the neck ties are checking stock tickers on MSNBC
Block letters in numeric rabbits checking stopwatches
For a violin army of lizards to peel off the hirsute epidermis
For marvelous root-brain revelations

Guitar grunt, stomp practicum growl baby growl!
From the Gulf to the tip of Alaska
Scouting shipwrecks of belligerent 401k flotsam 
The castaways are clinging to like life rafts after the iceberg

Pirate Bukowski barflies sailing skulls and bones
To lay out a rope like doctors without borders
For the floating power suits
Drowning in acronyms to sprout souls for the ascension

Reckoning mud flap swordfish trombones piercing the water’s surface
Baroque organ guttural snarls pounding keys
Oil slick quicksand thunder bricks golden gleam
Strung to shoelaces treading heavy

Artistic offers rejected and the comedic brigand audience assembles
Soiled palms and grease grit hairlines pop the bottled draughts
Laughing as the world’s appointment with the sunset consumes
The krill into the distended belly of the whale

Old fashioned living for a pimm’s cup deliverance
So many mumbling, “I thought we had more time than this.”
Drowning, who’s drowning gargling salt water and bourbon?
Swirling hacksaws, handcuffs, and plucked love eyeballs

Hag’s brew gumbo of usury legalities, roaches smashed in shoe crevices
Unbreakable sapphire cellular touch screens, masturbation toilet paper
Hacked internet passwords, Mecca prayer mats with demagnetized metronome compasses

Terrified to stare into that gaseous ball of hydrogen counting down in helium    

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