Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Gazing Over Blackened Waters

I am torn in two by a pair of ideas
One we were in each other’s lives for this interim of years to prepare us
For where we are to be

Fear was like a blindfold
Masking me from seeing either or both of our inefficacies
Brewing in what we were reluctant to admit

Deep welling want for her to be in my life
The fear kept distance of accepting the pinnacle of my desires
In retrospect I debate these forks

I smell the scent of God like a soap dispenser
Burning my irises from visualizing
That either this was the love of my life I failed to choose

Or this was the raft to keep me afloat to find God
In order to be ready for the love of my life
To be a whole man for her to witness

Am I a man in full now or a broken box of mangled error
Begging for redemption in a cloud where all these cushioned corners
Of presence are nothing but the absence that led me into the dark

The sightlines are costly like a mirage of my fate
Praying to God to guide me, dry in throat
With fear like a heroin addiction dripping from the vial

I had her before to navigate the waters
Now I am peering inward in a yoga balancing act of soul and man
Anxious in the wilt of the day praying for the darkness on the edge to subside

Wanting the universe to know my needs better than my own mind
To forget the unchosen legion of dissents for a singular complement
When, Oh Lord when?  Who, Oh Lord Who?

How else but this long-stare into the blackness with the audacity to imagine dawn

So I gaze 

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