Monday, July 21, 2014

Praying for the Conviction

God at one point I decided in myself
That you did not exist in order to function
My thoughts being irrelevant
This cognitive dissonance between the pain and

The idea of a loving God was too great
Therefore to see what I wished to be my life
Cast into a fenced restricted zone of prohibition
Again and on has been torture

Bypassing the first, I thought you would give me every chance
To bear a child to in seed find reconciliation with you, her, and the deceased
I wished; a part of me still does to be her husband
If I only knew she loved me in return

How could I accept such without her confirmation?
How could “if you asked me I’d say yes” qualify as sufficient
I am lost as to how this was anything but a resonating ultimatum
To get me to instigate our separation

The pain that as much as I wanted to grow with her
What she needed, what I needed must be other shoots
Therein I am doing my best to accept this alternative
Yet I cannot do this alone as this feels

I need your help
I need her communication
I need her to assert interest beyond this casual blips
I want the balancing act

I do not claim to control or now, but I am hoping
I can find a partner and grow; if this is with the dancer so be it
If in a reasonable piece of months by maybe September
The green eyed nightingale returns to me emoting her released repressions of love

I am praying for the strength to know what to choose or do or act
I am praying for the conviction that leads to a life long happy marriage
I cannot try to just woo and fit; I need to be needed
And this is where I have always felt the absence of you God

I am not sure what it feels like to have love reciprocated
I am praying you to show me such joy of mutuality in a place that could not exist then,
But does in the proper time
I am only human, a bit afraid of how long I can continue to wait or what else I can do

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