Monday, July 21, 2014

A Man on Fire

Putin is preempting an Arab spring in Russia
Al Assad plunking the gas bane to the rebels march
Dead, god damn dead rising
Mohammad Bouazizi started a mess

Lit the match and hung the world from a Tunisian fruit scale
Strung a fuse from Northern Africa to the Middle East
Counting off Ukraine’s modern volume of war and peace
Klitschko’s punching fame to burnt out squares

Gas prices and peninsulas misguided as if this was not about fear
In the bellies of powerful men
Al-Gaddafi’s stabbed in the anus and Putin is looking to keep his head off the wall
Hunting for tigers and creating a proxy stall

Arming dissidents and plotting anarchy in dents
Shot down the wrong fucking plane on accident
Too much attention; Oh shit in the night!
Poor Dutch to Australia burned alive

One man on purpose lit himself on fire in the street
Hundreds in a plane haunting nine eleven
Government scion’s grasping for control
While Palestine and Israel bark the old war replete

Iron dome missiles and a droning media death toll
Keeping score for the Holy Books defining a righteous lore
Taxpayer subsidy to every silo of defense
The Jews banking from America and Hamas chucking rocks

The bastard of chaos has always been at war
With the man holding the keys to the locks
Penning in logic that everything happens for a reason
And then there are some; where a simple coincidence of the elements

Exhausts the sun
So that one day all these blinding fires
Simply burn out
Not because a solution was found, but because

There is no more to take from this ground
The Torah and the Koran no longer in competition
Money and power no longer repressing man’s volition

Because extinction is the great equalizer as the universe beats on

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