Friday, July 4, 2014

Interpreting Fireworks over a Ship at Sea

The claws in the sense, the apparition of purpose
To every day along this path lifting meaning like evaporation
The consideration of God, left, returned, left, returned
Praying to see God in your sentiment

As soon as I come to you with him, I see the distance
Between your ship and the dock, the bounty of your body
Out in the waves with your heart locked in that chest
I am wilting into a droplet draining liquid courage

The idea of love, of God, of purpose, of meaning
Feel like redundant self-flagellation without the high
The bruises of attempting to conquer the demons of distancing myself
From all those moving boxes, the dusty, the permanent markers

Folding, taped and instructions on what is inside
All lie in time as repacked and resent to oscillating storage houses
I hear your voice like a beacon of what was God
And I feel the world burning, ashes in my fingernails

Clawing for a scrap-paper response as if you understood
What love felt like enough to explain what was worth salvaging
The rainbows feel like coffin nails and the blue sky like dirt
Staring out into turning into a place I have already been

Thinking you were the answer and attempting to exit on my own
The meditation, the release, the shackles, the beast
Every silence feels like a fold that makes respiration that bit tighter
Pondering what the cessation of clock ticking brings 

Did I lose everything; did I die in denial of devouring the fear
Too much, too full, where from here and how long
Help me believe like a fairy tale that I did not have to be
So damn closed and confused; why not translate the gray?

Hoping you will want to talk to me again one day
Knowing the back and forth and clarity and blurred lines
Of who you are and what we could ever be

Dying inside with destiny, God, and every clarity I ever had on love 

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